Food and drinkRecipes

Pilaf with prunes

Often boiled pilaf of beef, chicken, goose or pork. Friable, fat, it is unusually delicious. But in Uzbekistan, they prepare this dish in a different way. Most of all I remembered pilaf with prunes. But not only Uzbeks are preparing such a pilaf, everyone who likes this combination of products can do it themselves. In Uzbekistan, they eat it with their hand, folding it with a pinch and helping themselves with a flat cake. Plov is not just a dish, its use is accompanied by a leisurely conversation and is a special ritual of hospitality.

In general, pilaf is perhaps the most common dish in the Middle East. But it was in Uzbekistan for centuries that the classical technology of cooking this kind of porridge was created. Indeed, pilaf is the same porridge, but cooked according to certain strict rules. Dozens of species of pilaf are known. By the name of the area: Fergana, Bukhara, Khorezm, Samarkand. For various additives: pilaf with prunes, with quince, with apricots, with the replacement of rice with other grains or peas.

How to cook real Uzbek pilaf? This process is not easy, it consists of three mandatory operations. First, recoat the oil, and secondly, weld the zirvak, thirdly, lay rice in it and bring it to readiness.

How to properly oil the oil? For this purpose, the cauldron (not in vain in the homeland of its pilaf is cooked in huge cassocks) is ideal, it is better than cast-iron, thick-walled. It must first be heated, then pour oil and cough on low heat until it starts to crackle. Most often a mixture of vegetable oil and animal fat is taken.

Then we prepare the zirvak. Attention, this is important for the final result! To put in oil products it is necessary in the strict order: meat, onions, carrots. At the same time the weight of carrots is approximately equal to the weight of meat and half the weight of rice. Consistently re-fry all the ingredients, at the beginning of cooking over a large fire, gradually reducing it. In those recipes where there are additional ingredients (plov with prunes and dried apricots, with quince), they are put on the quack, without mixing with it. At the end of the process, add spices, usually red pepper, barberry, azhgon (about 1 tsp) and salt.

And, finally, the most important thing is the laying of rice. The fire should be reduced, the rice should be covered with an even layer, doused with a spoon, not mixing with the dirvak. Carefully pour in water without destroying the rice layer; The water level is 1.5 cm above the surface of the rice. Fire is now strengthened and boiled first without a lid, and when the water is boiled, cover tightly.

In conclusion, two recipes: pilaf with prunes and recipe shawli.

Pilaf with prunes

Products: rice - 500 g, beef - 250 g, carrots - 150 g, butter (fat) - 200 g, prunes or apricots - 1.5 cups, spices - 1.5 tsp.

Prunes carefully rinse and put in zirvak after roasting all other products and adding water to them. After that, you need to fall asleep rice and cook the pilaf as usual. This recipe pilaf with prunes is truly Uzbek, but, apparently, everyone can cook this dish.

Shavlju is also cooked in Uzbekistan. In terms of the composition of the products, it is similar to pilaf, but a completely different ratio of components, the way and duration of cooking make it more like porridge. The water is poured into this kind of pilaf more, 1 liter per kilogram of rice, and immediately all the water is added to the cooked dirvak. Luke and fat are also more.

Shavlya with beans

Products: rice - 400 g, meat - 300 g, carrots - 300 g, beans - 200 g, fat - 300 g, onions, tomatoes - 3 pieces, red pepper, savory.

At the end of cooking zirvak it is necessary to add soaked beans and cook until half cooked. After this, lay the washed rice. Salt and spices are added already in the finished dish. It is not necessary to buy off on seasonings. Shavlya should be sharp enough. But those who have problems with the digestive system, it is worthwhile to cook pilaf with less spices. Serve a ready dish with cakes or pita bread.

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