HealthHealthy Eating

Phytic acid in products: benefits, harm, use and feedback

Recently, in different sources you can hear the expression: "The knife in the back of the vegans." What does this mean and how is it related to phytic acid? First of all we note that this concerns exclusively food. No philosophical and other views are taken into account.

People who adhere to a certain diet, who call themselves vegan, have as their main source of food products containing a substance called phytic acid. The attitude of specialists to it is increasingly becoming negative. We learn from the article in more detail why.

How does phytic acid work?

Many have long heard that whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, bran and legumes are the key to a healthy diet. But recently there was a completely different opinion.

The fact is that these and some other products contain phytic acid. This substance blocks phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. Phosphorus, as is known, is necessary for bones and teeth. Contained in plant products, it is stored inside phytic acid, because of which a person becomes inaccessible. In addition, phytic acid disrupts the work of enzymes such as trypsin and pepsin, which serve to digest food.

Naturally, what has been said does not at all mean that it is necessary to abandon these products forever. Moreover, these provisions are not fully proved, and scientists are still arguing about what effect phytic acid has. Benefits and harm are treated in two ways. And we will consider so far the point of view, whose adherents oppose the substance.

Contents in food

The huge amount of phosphorus contained in the foods mentioned above is basically phytin, that is, one that can not be absorbed. If phytic acid is abundant in the diet, it reacts with calcium, resulting in insoluble chelates. Thus, important microelements, such as fluoride and calcium, are lost by the body. In addition, it is known that a large percentage of other important substances - magnesium and zinc without this acid is digested much better.

In addition to the species of the plant, the content of phytic acid depends both on the place and on the method of cultivation. For example, it is much more when it is grown using a high percentage of phosphate fertilizers.

Most of it is in the bran and seeds. Therefore, the benefits of oat bran are placed under a large question mark. If cocoa beans are not fermented, then they also contain a large amount of phytic acid. In the food, the table below gives the exact figures.


Unfortunately, more and more evidence confirms that nutrition with a high content of phytic acid causes mineral deficiency in the body. So, those who use a lot of cereal, are common diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets.

If such a diet lasts a long time, then the metabolism slows down. A mineral hunger strike begins. For an adult, the process is not as critical as for a child. In a growing organism such nutrition is fraught with a weak development of the osseous system, short stature, unhealthy teeth, narrow jaws, and also leads to anemia and even mental retardation.

Research and experiments

The fact that phytic acid has such an effect was demonstrated in the middle of the last century by Edward Vellanby. He was able to prove that high-phytogenic cereals disrupt the development of the bone system and the metabolism of vitamin D, resulting in rickets. But vitamin D is able to neutralize acid to some extent.

Experiments have shown that whole grains, in comparison with white rice and unbleached flour, have more minerals. But at the same time they contain more phytic acid.

On the other hand, it has been proved that if at the same time, ascorbic acid is added, it will significantly reduce the harmful effect of phytic acid.

Later, as early as 2000, a number of studies were also carried out, during which other factors that neutralized the harm of acid were established. Iron, along with keratin and vitamin A, creates a complex that does not let itself suck in phytic acid.

Phytase for health care

In plant products, which contain the substance we are considering, there is also one that neutralizes the action, releasing phosphorus. It was called phytase.

It is due to phytase that ruminants do not have problems with phytic acid. This substance is contained in them in the body, in one of the parts of the stomach. In those animals that have one stomach, phytase is also produced. But its number is several times less than that of the first. But in this sense, very lucky for mice: they have phytase more than thirty times compared to a man. That's why mice can eat cereals in large quantities with little or no harm to themselves.

But the human body in a healthy state has a lactic acid bacterium lactobacili and other microorganisms that are capable of producing phytase. Therefore, even if many products containing phytic acid are used, neutralization occurs at the expense of these microorganisms, making food safe.


It is proved that phytase appears due to germination, reducing phytic acid. It is very useful and soaking in acidic and warm liquid, as, for example, when preparing bread based on leaven.

Previously, while agriculture was not developed on an industrial scale, farmers soaked the grain in hot water, and then fed them animals.

But not all grains contain the necessary amount of phytase. For example, its quantity is not enough in oats, pine and brown rice. Therefore, phytic acid in oatmeal, pyshenka and rice porridge with regular consumption in large quantities, according to some scientists, can negatively affect health. But in wheat and rye phytase is much larger. And if two of these cereals are still soaked and fermented, then phytic acid can not cause harm, since it will simply disappear completely.

It is noteworthy that at a temperature of 80 degrees under normal conditions and at 55-65 degrees in a moist environment, phytase is very quickly destroyed. Therefore, it is better to refuse extrusion whole-grain bread, if you do not want to get problems with digestion.

In oats it is not much, and when heated it loses activity altogether. However, for its destruction, even grinding at high speed is sufficient. In fresh flour, phytase is more than in the one that has stood for several months.

How to neutralize phytic acid

To activate phytase, and the presence of phytonic acid has decreased, one thermal treatment is not enough. It is necessary to soak the croup or beans in an acidic environment. Then this combination can eliminate most phytates.

Consider how this is done on a concrete example with a movie or movie.

If the product is boiled for 25 minutes, then 15-20% of the acid will decrease.

When soaking from 12 to 24 hours at a maintained temperature of 20 degrees and subsequent boiling will leave 60-77%.

If fermentation with serum from 16 to 18 hours, maintaining the temperature 30 degrees, and then boil the product, the percentage of cleansing will increase to 82-88.

When soaked for half a day, sprouting for 30 hours, lacto-fermentation from 16 to 18 hours and after this boiling for 25 minutes, phytic acid will be eliminated by 97-98%.

Both soaking and germination perfectly help in eliminating the substance, but can not completely rid it of it. For example, if the content in barley, wheat and green beans is 57%, germination will be more effective than roasting.

This is the best way to reduce the maintenance of phytic acid in legumes, but not to the end. For example, after 5 days of germination in lentil it will remain almost 50%, in chickpea - 60%, and in black-eyed beans - 25%.

The process will be more effective if the sprouting is carried out at high temperature. So, in the millet 92% are destroyed. Well and at normal temperature this procedure is a good preparatory stage for the maximum disposal of a harmful substance.


Phytic acid is already contained in much smaller quantities after processing. But it will be better if you first soak the product with the one where there is an additional phytase, even before the heat treatment begins.


In maize, soy, wheat and sorghum, when soaked for 24 hours, the acid content will decrease by 40-50%. In cereals and beans - by 16-20%.

For cereals, which contain a large amount of phytase (this rye and wheat product), it is best to make a leaven. Only four hours of wheat flour at 33 degrees will take about 60% of the acid. The leaven of the same bran for 8 hours will reduce its content by 45%. And if you ferment the ferment for 8 hours, then in whole wheat bread phytic acid will not remain at all.

The experiments carried out showed that if the yeast of industrial production is used in home baking, the effect will be much less successful. For example, in whole wheat bread, only 22 to 58% of phytin will be eliminated by yeast.

The norm of phytic acid content in products

Of course, it is not necessary to completely reject products with phytic acid. The main thing is to understand how you can reduce its content and do it. Then, phytic acid in food will remain at an acceptable level.

Interestingly, in the diets of different countries the content of this substance is different:

  • In America it is 631 mg;
  • In Britain, 764 mg;
  • In Finland - 370 mg;
  • In Sweden - 180 mg.

If the diet contains food with a high content of vitamins A, C, D, as well as calcium, quality fats and lacto-fermented vegetables, then the state of health is usually normal. For a person with good health, the substance content is permissible within 400-800 mg. Those who have tooth decay and bone damage, its consumption should be increased to 150-400 mg.

A healthy diet should contain no more than 2-3 servings of dishes prepared correctly from foods that contain phytic acid. If they are consumed daily, they will benefit the body. But if such foods become the main food, then this can cause health problems.

The use of phytic acid

In fairness, we need to consider the other side of the question. It can not be said that only problems are phytic acid. The benefits and harm in it for a person accompany each other.

In the industry, phytic acid is used as a food additive of vegetable origin, called E391. In the field of medicine, it is added to the medicine for the treatment of the nervous system and liver.

Even in cosmetology, the substance has found its application as a cleansing procedure - peeling. In this case, the raw material is obtained from the cake of wheat grains. Peeling not only effectively exfoliates the skin, but also fights against pigmentation and inflammation. At the same time, the skin does not even have the irritations inherent in this procedure, performed with other drugs.

Until recently, acid was actively added in the manufacture of alcohol to purify products from iron. But when there were works on the dangers of the substance, they decided to abandon it.


Today phytic acid in products is very ambiguous. The table given in the article will help you navigate how to reduce its content in food before consumption.

It is worth noting that at present we can provide ourselves with a healthy diet only by ourselves. Therefore, decide how important this is for you and whether it is worthwhile to engage in slow but proper cooking.

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