
Penoplex - what is it? Insulation foam pen

Penoplex is the second most popular thermal insulation material after mineral wool . Its main advantages are considered to be a low degree of heat conductivity and a quite acceptable price. In some cases, for example, when the cellars are insulated from the outside, the foam box can be considered generally indispensable.

How the material is made

So, penoplex - what is it? Let's deal with this in more detail. This material is produced on special extrusion plants. When added to polystyrene, catalyst gases, it foams, greatly increasing in size. The mass thus obtained is then extruded from the plant to the outside. Here, the gas evaporates, resulting in a lot of pores in the frozen polystyrene.

Penoplex is produced in plates with a thickness of 20-100 mm and in appearance resembles well-known all-styrofoam. From the latter, it is much more durable and durable. Thin foam pen (20 mm, for example) is great for insulating the floor and ceiling of balconies. For insulation of facades, foundations and roofs, either 50 mm plates in two layers or 100 mm material in one are usually used.

Main advantages

Today, a variety of wall warmers are available. Penoplex can rightly be attributed to the most effective and high-quality. The advantages of this material are, first of all:

  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Resistance to moisture. The foam does not absorb water.
  • Easy to install. Install the plates of this heat insulator either on the glue, or using dowels "fungi".
  • Durability. The penoplex sheet is quite strong and does not crumble during installation. Also, this material does not shrink with time and does not rot.
  • Light weight. No special requirements for the construction of the foundation or truss system when using this material is not required.
  • Versatility. Apply penoplex can be for the warming of absolutely any elements of the building - foundation, walls, roofing.
  • Excellent soundproofing qualities.

The main minus of the material

Now let's look at the shortcomings of penoplex. What is it, we have found out. In itself extruded polystyrene does not present any danger to human health. In any case, the manufacturer claims so. However, in a free state, styrene is a very poisonous substance. Some researchers believe that a small amount of it in the finished plates can still be preserved. Therefore, it is necessary to use foam foil for interior finishing from inside carefully. In any case, it is worth densely covering it with plasterboard or plaster, trying not to leave any cracks.

Main characteristics of the material

Thus, we have found out with which advantages and disadvantages peno-plex differs. What it is, you now also know. Next, let's look at the characteristics of this material. They have a penoplex:

  • Compressive strength - 0.2-0.0.5 MPa;
  • Density - 28-53 kg / m 3 ;
  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0.03-0.032 W / (Mx ° K);
  • Coefficient of moisture absorption - up to 0.5%;
  • Operating temperatures range from -50 to +75 g.

The extruded polystyrene foam of the Penoplex brand has the standard dimensions of 600 x 1200 mm.

Varieties of material

Choosing a foam for insulation of structures of one type or another should be correct. At the moment, there are the following types:

  • Penoplex-31. Plates of this type have a density of 31 kg / m 3 and are used mainly for the insulation of facades of buildings. Sometimes they are used for insulation of roofs (without loads).
  • Penoplex-35 is the most popular material in house building. It can be used not only for insulation of roofs, facades, but also as a cushioning layer under the foundations of foundations. Warming of the floor with penokleksom in private housing construction is usually done also using this particular variety. The density of the plates 35 - up to 37 kg / m 3 . In the manufacture of them, among other things, special components are added, significantly increasing their fire resistance.
  • Penoplex-45. This version is intended for insulation of roofs under load, as well as roads and sidewalks in the cold regions of the country. Also, such slabs can be used to insulate runways, heavily loaded foundations, floors, etc. The density of the material 45 is up to 40 kg / m 3 .
  • Penoplex-75. This is the most dense variety (up to 53 kg / m 3 ). It is used mainly for warming the runways of aerodromes.

Penoplex in construction

Since 2011, the materials are not too high density, used for the construction of residential buildings, the manufacturer classifies in four more varieties:

  • "Penoplex Foundation." Used to insulate those parts of the building that are underground. This can be a common foundation, or a basement floor.
  • "Penoplex Roof". It is applied accordingly for warming of roofs, including horizontal ones. Density in this species is also very high. When using it, the insulation from the attic side should be covered with a vapor barrier film.
  • "Penoplex Wall." This variety was developed by the manufacturer specifically for the insulation of socles and facades of residential buildings. For vertical structures, this is in fact ideal insulants. For walls "Penoplex" (as well as for other elements of the house) is used, of course, with the required selection of the required thickness. The minimum figure for Moscow, for example, is 100-124 mm. This variety is distinguished by such advantages as resistance to changes in temperature and precipitation, ease of installation, durability, etc.
  • "Penoplex Comfort." This type of material is designed specifically for the warmth of small country private homes. Plates of this variety are not susceptible to fungal infection and can be used even in conditions of high humidity. It is possible to apply such penopolx, whose dimensions are also standard, for warming foundations, facades, roofs, floors, ceilings, walls from the inside, etc. Very often such plates are used to build baths and saunas.

Features of installation for insulation of walls and roofing

So, you have chosen to isolate the house is penokleks. What it is, you now understand. To warm the houses this material is very good. Especially outside. Now let's see what the rules of its installation. When the walls are insulated, the foam is installed usually between the elements of the frame from the beams. In addition, the plates are fastened with dowels "fungi". When installing roofs, the slabs can be installed directly between the rafters. Sometimes they are mounted on top. At the same time between the rafters is installed some additional insulation. The walls are fitted with a vapor barrier film before installing the peno-plex. When the roof is insulated with foil material, an attic is lined.

Warming of the floor with penokleksom

At the top of the floor are insulated as follows:

  • The surface is forgiven by a waterproofing membrane.
  • On the floor or the ceiling, the lath of the timber is packed.
  • Fits penoplex. When building a new house, the slabs are not mounted in the crate, but directly between the lags. Pre-space between them is forgiven by a waterproofing.
  • OSB boards or plywood are installed. In the event that expanded polystyrene was laid between the lags, a sexual board is usually placed on top of it .
  • Plywood or OSB are finished with a finishing material. For this purpose, even parquet can be used. Penoplex itself is an excellent vapor barrier and water does not pass at all.

Insulation foam: price

The cost of plates of this insulator depends on the variety and thickness. So penokleks-35 in 50 mm will cost about 180 rubles apiece. The price for slabs with a density of 31 kg / m 3 in 30 mm is about 120 r. The option "Comfort" in 50 mm costs approximately 180 rubles, a thickness of 30 mm - about 100 rubles.

As you can see, for insulation of structural elements of a building a foam-foam insulation, the price for which is quite acceptable, is just perfect. Mount it is very simple, and the effect of its use will be more than noticeable.

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