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Speech development of the child

For some reason, there is an opinion that speech begins to develop in the child at the very moment when he utters his first word. But this opinion is far from the truth. Speech development of a child in psychologists and speech therapists is usually divided into several stages.

At the first stage, the respiratory system is prepared for voice reactions. This is a kind of warm-up before the first, clearly pronounced sounds: the child "buzzes"; Reproduces the voice undifferentiated guttural, pharyngeal, oral, labial noises and certain vague sounds, similar to speech. Then there is a sound "babble" from the voice undifferentiated sounds, explained by an attempt at imitation. This period lasts up to six months.

At the second stage, clearer speech sounds are formed, the synthesis of syllables is observed. By 9-12 months - syllabic binomial chains. The child owns a few simple words (usually about ten). In the second year the stock of simple words is gradually increasing, the simplest speech patterns appear.

In the third stage, when the child is three years old, the dictionary fund is already 500 words (and possibly more). Much more speech patterns, more perfect pronunciation.

The fourth stage coincides with the fourth year of life. In the dictionary fund, there are already many more words (about a thousand); The speech chains become more complicated and lengthen; Much more speech patterns. It is interesting that the child speaks loudly during this period (verbal stereotypes are strengthened). Appendage clauses appear.

In the fifth stage of ontogenetic development of the function of speech , the vocabulary is even more enriched; The volume of pronunciation is adjusted; The proposals become more complex, properly constructed and perfect. The fifth period coincides with the fifth year of life.

Of course, the child's speech development continues. But the foundations are laid precisely in these periods - up to five years. It happens that the development of the child's speech deviates from the norm. And then the parents begin to panic, frightened by the strange abbreviation "ZRR". We must understand that the diagnosis of "delay in the development of speech" is not a verdict. The key word here is "delay". Of course, this is a problem. The problem is serious. After all, in a person all processes are interrelated, including And mental. Speech development of the child is closely intertwined with cognitive processes: thinking, memory, attention, imagination. It affects both the general psychological development, and interpersonal interaction. And if the child's speech development lags behind the norm, specialists can not do without the help of specialists. This is the case when you can not wait. The earlier this problem is identified, the faster and easier it is corrected.

The delay in the development of speech in children is often caused:

- lack of demand for speech: the child should be spoken about, allowing him to "wedge" into the conversation; You do not need to guess its every desire - provoke the expression of this desire by sounds, words (verbal expressions of desires and emotions);
- slowed, genetically determined, growth rate of nerve cells that are responsible for speech;
- injuries and illnesses;
- hearing problems (a child who is unable to hear, can not imitate the speech of an adult, ie can not speak).

What to do? It is better to give in a specialized garden (or group), where speech therapists work. To some extent, this will really benefit. But the efforts of specialists without your direct participation will be negated, since the main influence on the child's speech development is provided by the family. Speech therapist will tell you further actions, recommend special developing games, exercises. Follow the recommendations. Speak correctly yourself, because you are a model that the baby imitates. Do not lisp, pronounce the sounds clearly. Hearing a question from your child, do not dismiss the words "I have no time" or "leave, I'm busy, go play", as it sometimes happens. When talking to the baby, listen carefully, do not interrupt. Read books, listen to audio recordings of fairy tales and poems, encourage communication with peers. And be sure to do the job of the speech therapist. Your joint efforts will necessarily yield results.

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