Health, Medicine
Breast reduction - how and why
The big breast is first of all the increased loading on a backbone, therefore women with the big breast more often others test pains in a back.
Women of lush forms often face such problems, unfamiliar women with modest breasts, such as sagging, stretching, irritation in the area under the breast, problems with choosing a bra.
In addition, the large breasts cause discomfort during sports and simple running. In some cases in the supine position on the back it is difficult to breathe, and on the stomach and at all it is impossible to lie!
It is not surprising that many women decide on breast reduction - reducing mammoplasty or mastopexy.
Deciding on such an operation is not easy, so you need to study all its subtleties, and also think several times.
Of course, you can try the dubious methods of breast reduction with the help of folk remedies, lose weight, but the most effective way to get rid of excessively magnificent breasts is to date aesthetic surgery.
It is worth considering that breast reduction is much less popular than an increase, it may be necessary to look for a suitable clinic for a long time.
The first thing that needs to be done, precisely having decided to do the operation, is to find a clinic, the main profile of which is plastic surgery. Feedback, positive or negative, will help with the choice of the medical institution and the doctor who will perform the operation.
The second step is the initial reception of a plastic surgeon. The doctor will listen to the complaints in detail, ask about the previous illnesses, will inspect and locate about the different methods by which breast reduction is carried out.
There are 4 main types of reduction mammoplasty: standard, with a vertical seam, with nipple transplantation and with the help of liposuction.
The standard method involves a fairly large scar, which will have the shape of an anchor. Through this incision, the surgeon will remove part of the glandular tissue. As a result of this operation, the breast will not only decrease, but will become more taut.
Method with a vertical seam is used somewhat less often. The incision is made around the nipple and vertically downward from it. The advantage of such an operation is that the scars supporting it help to restore the shape of the breast , however, sometimes there is a need for a corrective operation.
The most sparing operation - breast reduction with the help of liposuction is indicated for those patients whose breasts are more spherical, and the sagging is small.
In any case, in this question it is necessary to be guided by the opinion of the surgeon. It is also worth remembering that as a result of mastopexy, a part of the dairy ducts is closed, that is, lactation becomes impossible, which means that such an operation is almost contraindicated for those who plan children in the future.
Deciding on breast reduction can be difficult, however, the huge advantage of this decision will be that after surgery from the shoulders in a literal sense, a heavy load will fall down.
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