HealthDiseases and Conditions

Upholmitous abscess: symptoms and methods of treatment

Abscess is an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the formation of a purulent film on the tissues. The pharyngeal abscess is a disease of the lymph nodes, due to the development of the inflammatory process in them and the accumulation of pus. It can arise as a separate disease, and as a complication of another infection, for example, scarlet fever, measles or the influenza virus. The causative agent enters the lymph nodes through the ENT organs (ear, larynx, nose and nasal sinuses).

According to statistical data, the pharyngeal abscess most often affects children in the age group up to 5 years. The cause may be the preceding viral or infectious diseases, as well as mechanical damage to the larynx. An abscess is often observed on the back of the throat, and the rate of development reaches several days.

The pharyngeal abscess develops rapidly, usually within a week the place of inflammation is completely formed and pus is formed. To knock down the general or common symptomatic picture the unreasonable reception of antibiotics can then quickly diagnose will be much more difficult. If the cause of inflammation is the trauma of the larynx, then the development of the disease can reach six months. There is also a slow course of the disease with the development of a venereal infection such as syphilis; Similar terms are observed for tuberculosis. There are cases when in time it was not possible to detect a pharyngeal abscess. Absence of treatment leads to rupture of the purulent cavity, and this happens unexpectedly, and the pus itself can flow out of the mouth, nose or even ears.


The pharyngeal abscess is characterized by blunted respiration accompanied by wheezing. In this case, the patient says "in the nose", that is, the voice becomes hoarse, but before its complete loss does not reach. The greater the development of the abscess, the stronger the pain. In order to facilitate his own condition, the patient is forced to tilt his head slightly upwards and sideways. He gets a strong chill, the temperature rises sharply, often to 40 degrees.

Children with inflammation of the larynx lose appetite, as when swallowed they feel painful pain. A sharp painful sensation causes the walls of the larynx to contract, so food can get into the nose. As a rule, the causative agent of such inflammation are bacteria, anaerobic and aerobic, often there is HIV infection and tuberculosis. Ignoring the signs of abscess development can lead to such terrible consequences as septic shock, asphyxia and even rupture of the carotid artery. That's why a visit to a doctor can not be delayed.


Absorbing abscess specialist can diagnose on the basis of a picture of a patient's X-ray performed in different poses. To obtain a full picture, the patient should provide side pictures of the larynx, as well as on inhalation and exhalation. If an unambiguous answer on the available data can not be obtained, then computed tomography is used . Such a study provides an accurate result even in the most difficult situations.

Anapharyngeal abscess of small size can be treated medically by prescribing antibiotics. Most often this type of treatment is exposed to children under the age of 8 years. But in practice, most of the abscesses are treated with surgical intervention, with endotracheal intubation within two days before the operation.

As a supplement to the main treatment you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. For example, honey has an excellent effect on the mucous throat. It is necessary to dilute two spoons of honey in a glass of warm water and this solution gargle several times a day. Honey has a calming and healing effect.

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