HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pain in the temples and the causes of it

Pain in the temples darkens the life of many people. According to the study, it was found that approximately 70% of people from different countries around the world experience rare or chronic pain in the temples. And this is not complete statistics, because many people do not consider it necessary to seek help from doctors, preferring to drink painkillers or to resort to the help of traditional medicine. Simply put, many people are self-medicated and do not hurry to go to medical institutions with their health problems.

With all this, many drugs often lead to numerous side effects, besides not having cured pain in the temples, many people to it in addition receive allergic reactions, indigestion, various complications on the liver and kidneys. It should be understood that the headache in the temples requires qualitative diagnosis and treatment, because it can point to a number of serious diseases of the body. If you suddenly began to worry about these symptoms, you should immediately seek the help of a neurologist.

Pain in the temples and the main causes of it

Do not be frivolous about the headache of the temporal region, especially if it repeats with an enviable consistency - it can mean that the body signals a disease. Headache in the temporal region can arise as a result of some problems with arterial pressure, as a symptom of migraine, autonomic dystonia. If you contact the doctor in a timely manner, then the disease data can be successfully cured.

Pain in the temples can also be the first sign of hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis. To promote the appearance of such pain can magnetic storms, stress, physical and mental stress. Quite often infectious diseases, for example, angina or influenza can cause pain in the temples and eyes. This is due to the fact that infectious diseases are often accompanied by high fever. Pulsating temporal pain also occurs with alcohol intoxication.

If there are blunt and aching pains that appear in the occipital zone, then in the temporal region it is most often headaches of a psychogenic nature. In addition, complaints of irritability, fatigue, and constant fatigue are noted. These pains greatly hamper the gathering of thoughts and focus, and also negatively affect the patient's performance and general condition. Very often, with pain, there may be a feeling of anxiety. In such situations, you should contact a neurologist, sometimes a psychiatrist.


People suffering from migraine often worry about temporal headache. With this disease, one-sided temporal pain is noted. If the patient is not given the right treatment, over time, the pain from one temple is spread almost over the entire head. In neglected cases, pain in the temples and nausea last for a day, and if you do not go to a specialist in time, a migraine stroke may occur.

Failure and changes in the hormonal background in women can also lead to headache in the temples, and migraine can develop due to puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Normalizing the hormonal background with the help of certain pain medications is no longer repeated. This is the reason for the appearance of such symptoms, during menopause or pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist in addition to a neurologist.

Sometimes it happens that pain in the temporal region, despite the appointment of specialists, do not pass. Then you need to turn to the orthopedist, orthodontist, since these pain can indicate a pathology of the temporomandibular joint. With timely treatment, conservative treatment will be prescribed, and in more neglected cases a surgical method will be used.

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