
Orthoepic analysis of words

When a child goes to school, some parents are simply unable to help him with the home building, because they themselves have long been studying at school and already do not remember much. In this article, we will talk about how to help your child do an orphoepic analysis of a word. To begin with, let us recall what is orthoepia?

Orthoepy is the science of pronunciation. Orthoepic analysis is the analysis of the features of the pronunciation of words.

In the Russian language, a certain pronunciation of certain sounds was established, not corresponding to their writing by virtue of certain rules. Let's look at them.

The most important rules for the pronunciation of literary words:

1. Words that what is pronounced as ( shtoby) , ( shto) , words of rain and rain are pronounced as (dozhzh), (doshch).

2. When combining a number of consonants - stl, rdc, stn - one of the sounds is not pronounced. For example, ( SLA is a new one) , ( le CH ) , ( c e RC e) .

3. The combination of rn is pronounced in some words as shn ( kane SzN o) , ( skvore ShN ik) , ( iyi ShN iatsa ) , but they write, of course, a birdhouse, eggs . But in most words the combination is pronounced according to the spelling: country, juicy, river .

4. At the end of the words, instead of sound, r is heard to : ( dr K), ( plow K), ([ lu K), and write - friend, plow, meadow .

5. Paired voiced consonants, standing in the middle of the word in front of deaf consonants, are pronounced like paired deaf consonants: ( ku P), ( gri P), and write - cube, mushroom .

6. The endings are, say, pronounced like a tzu ( old TsTsA ) , [( abavlya TsTS A) , ( mchcha TsTS A) , the end is his, -one is uttered as -Ivo, -ava ( Sveta AVA), ( I), (kAVO).

7. Deaf consonants will ring if they stand in front of sonorous consonants: (eGamenia), (kozZba), (fubbolist).

8. After the sibilant sounds of x, w and the consonant sound q , the average sound between (e) and (u) - (xy e ) is pronounced instead of the vowel e .

9. Before sibilants , h, w consonants with, z are pronounced as long hissing ( Zhag) , (F fried) , ( bg Live) . At the beginning of the word, sf sounds like a hissing ny : ( schtastly) , ( Nch em) , ( Schitan) , and write - happy, count, read .

10. Letters e, e write the same as they say, if they stand at the beginning of a word ( this, rides, experiment ).

11. If the vowels e, I do not stand under the accent, they are pronounced like a sound close to a vowel and : ( d And sleep) , ( d And lova) , ( in And the net) .

12. The vowel letter o is pronounced as a sound close to a , if it stands in an unstressed position: (MALACO ) , ( in A yes) , ( g A sili) .

13. The vowels o, a , standing not under stress, are pronounced as a weakened sound (a): (kamar), (samAvar). Vowels that stand under the stress are pronounced, as they write: sery, we met, kosim.

14. In Russian and in foreign words, doubled consonants are pronounced without duplication: Russian, Belarusian, accurate , except for: manna, bath .

15. After sibilant w, q, x , say a, e , but write e: iron, woolen, whole.

16. In foreign words after soft consonants they write and pronounce the letter e : the Colosseum, the dean's office, and after the consonant or the vowel they write e , but they say e : coffee, diet, atelier . Exception: the peer, the mayor, sir . In other cases, after the vowels, they write and pronounce the letter e : maestro, poetic, silhouette. Exception: project .

Orthoepic analysis of the word should be carried out as follows:

1. Read it. Think, can it sound different.

2. In the orthoepic dictionary, see how to pronounce the word correctly.

3. Pronounce it correctly. (In case you need to conduct a written analysis, write down the word with the notes (explanations) of the stress and pronunciation.)

Orthoepic analysis - examples:

- Forgetting - the stress falls only on the 2nd syllable;
- eggs, eggs (shn) ;
- a muffler '(ne') - a few, n.

Phonetic analysis is the determination of the number of letters and sounds in a word, as well as the characteristics of all sounds.

If you can make a mistake while pronouncing a word or stating an accent, then you are doing an orthoepic analysis, and if you need to give a characterization of all sounds and letters, then a phonetic analysis of the word. Russian can not be well known without studying such important sections of it as orthoepia and phonetics.

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