HealthDiseases and Conditions

Numbness of legs

Numbness of the legs can be temporary, for example, when lying or sitting for a long time in one position, or permanent, for no apparent reason. If the first option should not cause any suspicion, the second is obliged to alert the person and induce him to take decisive action, that is, turn to the doctors. In this article we will get acquainted with the concept of numbness of the legs and learn how to get rid of it.

Numbness of the foot is an unpleasant feeling of tingling, a kind of "crawling", accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin, a violation of mobility in the joints and sometimes pain.

Often, numbness is a consequence of a violation of blood supply to the tissues or compression of the nerve, that is, a normal reaction of the body. However, in some cases, it is a sign of a nervous system disease or indicates a serious illness, such as a brain tumor or the necrosis of its site (stroke).

How to find out the cause of numbness of the legs?

If numbness occurs often enough and lasts more than 3 minutes, then to determine the cause of its occurrence it is better to consult a neurologist. Numbness of the legs can be examined using various methods, such as:

  • Computed tomography (CT) and X-ray. With the help of this method, it is possible to identify fractures of bones (possible causes of nerve damage), osteochondrosis, arthritis, herniated discs and other diseases;
  • Ultrasound of vessels (Doppler examination). Used to diagnose vascular disease, that is, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, lower extremity atherosclerosis vessels and other;
  • Magnetic-nuclear resonance, electroneuromyography. This method allows to determine the site of nerve damage and to identify neuropathy of the ulnar nerve, tunnel carpal syndrome and other diseases;
  • General blood analysis. With it, iron deficiency and pernicious anemia can be identified.

For a complete diagnosis of these methods may not be enough, so you can use both other methods of examination, and consultations of specialists (trauma doctors and so on). Well, the treatment of numbness in the legs depends primarily on the causes of its onset and development.

Numbness of the leg below the knee, feet, legs or even toes can be triggered by various diseases that disrupt blood circulation in the legs or lead to nerve damage.

In what case should I see a doctor?

Often, numbness of the legs is provoked by causes that are not dangerous to human life. However, if the following problems occur against the background, then medical care is needed:

  • A person can not move normally, clearly speak;
  • He is worried about dizziness, severe weakness;
  • A person can not move his foot or his toes;
  • Numbness arose shortly after trauma to the legs;
  • There was an involuntary emptying of the intestine or bladder.

Treatment of numbness of legs

As we already mentioned above, the treatment of numbness of the legs depends entirely on the reasons for its development. And given that it is often caused by diseases that threaten a person's life, only a doctor can prescribe the treatment. However, you can use some effective folk methods to get rid of this problem.

First, the constant numbness of the legs can be overcome by movements. They are the most effective means of fighting with numbness, because blood circulation in the human body depends on them. Regular physical activity, such as aerobics, running and even fast walking, will help to get rid of the problem of numbness of the legs, because they help improve blood circulation.

Secondly, the frequent cause of numbness are weak vessels. Therefore, they need to be strengthened with the help of the Nishi technique. The simplest, but very effective exercise: you need to lie on your back, and put a roller under your neck. Legs and hands should be lifted up so that the feet become parallel to the floor. Then within 2-3 minutes you need to simultaneously shake your legs and hands.

Thirdly, the tunnel syndrome can also be a cause of numbness in the legs, so during work (especially monotonous), do not forget to take small breaks (every 60 minutes).

And, fourth, the negative impact of smoking can also affect the legs, because it provokes the spasms of small vessels. So, if you want to get rid of the numbness of your legs, you need to start with getting rid of this addiction.

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