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Paths of transmission of toxoplasmosis. Consequences of toxoplasmosis

Medicine knows a lot of diseases, each of which has a special kind of spread and consequences. It is worth noting that some of them can be harmless and not carry a threat to others and, in fact, an infected person. Others become destructive to certain persons. The third cause irreparable harm only to the owner, that is, the source of the infection. In this article we will talk about what are the ways of transmission of toxoplasmosis. You will find out what kind of disease it is, and who is its carrier. It is also worth mentioning the consequences of toxoplasmosis for different groups of individuals.

Toxoplasmosis: What is this disease?

To begin with, it should be said that toxoplasmosis is not a viral or bacterial infection. Toxoplasma is a kind of parasite that lives in the body and lays its larvae away. It is worth noting that the only creature in which this organism lives is a cat. It is this family that can infect everyone around.

Infection with toxoplasmosis is possible among other animal species. However, in this case, the parasite larvae do not escape into the atmosphere.

Transmission routes of toxoplasmosis

Any animal or person can infect such a disease. After the transferred illness in the majority of people the proof immunity to a parasite is developed. The ways of transmission of toxoplasmosis can be different. But it should be immediately said that the disease is not transmitted through sexual contact, by household methods or by airborne droplets. How does infection with toxoplasmosis occur in most cases? Consider ways to transfer this disease.

Method one: through the feces of cats

The most common ways of transmitting toxoplasmosis are feline waste of life. If an infected cat lives in your house, then together with your feces, it releases several thousand larvae into the atmosphere. So, fresh wastes in most cases do not pose any danger. However, within a few hours the active spread of larvae begins, which can penetrate the human body and infect it.

Transmission of toxoplasmosis can occur not only by direct contact with feline waste, but also through an ordinary tray. If after changing the toilet of your pet you do not wash your hands with antibacterial soap, then, most likely, you are waiting for an early infection.

Method two: through raw meat and eggs

As mentioned above, toxoplasma can affect other animals. It should be noted that dogs, cows, chickens and others are not the ultimate "masters" of parasites. So, they do not carry any direct danger to man. However, "acquisition" of a parasite can easily occur when the infected product is used for food. How is toxoplasmosis transmitted in this case?

If a person consumes unprocessed or raw meat, as well as chicken or quail eggs in an unprocessed form, that is a high probability of infection by a parasite. With a good heat treatment, all harmful micro-organisms, including larvae of toxoplasm, die. That is why eating raw foods or not being well-cooked can lead to infection.

The third way: through dirty vegetables and fruits

It would seem, what kind of threat can this group of foodstuffs carry? As it turned out, infection can occur in this case. How is toxoplasmosis transmitted through berries, fruits, greens and other products grown on the ground?

If the infected cat has emitted waste products to the ground or the sand on which the fruit is grown, then the larvae can get on them. At the same time, many people eat directly from the garden. They are sure that their fruits are absolutely safe. But do not rely on luck. Toksoplazmy can live on cultivated crops for a long time in anticipation of their hour.

All ripped berries, fruits and greens should be thoroughly washed with hot water. Only in this case you will protect yourself from the parasite.

Method four: how do young children become infected?

How do babies get infected with toxoplasmosis? It would seem that moms are careful to ensure that children eat only carefully washed and processed foods. But, despite this, infection occurs. Why?

During the games in the sandbox, the toddler can easily "get" a toxoplasmic larva into his organism. Similarly, the parasite can move to toys or clothing crumbs. Banal non-compliance with hygiene in this case can lead to infection.

Try to wash your hands immediately after a walk. Do not allow him to touch foreign cats and then pull his hands into his mouth. Use antiseptic solutions that kill most bacteria.

Method five: intrauterine infection of the fetus

Perhaps the most dangerous way to "acquire" this parasite is intrauterine transmission. It is worth noting that infection occurs in different ways during different periods of pregnancy. Every woman who is preparing to become a mother is examined for the presence of this parasite in her body.

Antibodies to toxoplasmosis may persist for several years or remain in the blood for life. In the case when a woman lacks antibodies, this means that she was not previously affected by this parasite.

Infection with toxoplasmosis of an unborn child occurs through the blood of a future mother. It is worth noting that the longer the gestation period, the less likely that the parasite will have an irreparable effect on the fetus.

Consequences of toxoplasmosis

Most often, toxoplasma does not cause much harm to the human body. However, this applies only to those people who are perfectly healthy and have strong immunity. In most cases, an infected person may not know about the infection. In this case, a person feels a slight malaise, which may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. Most often people write off this condition for a common cold, which passes in a few days. After infection, antibodies to toxoplasmosis are produced. Immunity is acquired for the rest of life. Consider the consequences of toxoplasmosis. What is dangerous about this parasite?

Acute form of the disease

If a person has an acute form of the disease, then such pathologies as pneumonia, damage to the stomach or intestine, an increase in the spleen and liver can occur. Also, there are such consequences of infection as fever, seizures, even paralysis.

It should be noted that this form of the disease, like similar consequences, is extremely rare. More often it is acquired by people with reduced immunity.

Chronic form of the disease

If chronic toxoplasmosis is detected, how dangerous is the parasite in this case? It should be noted that this type of disease occurs more often than the acute form. In this case, there may be such consequences of infection as an increase in temperature, weakness, an increase in lymph nodes.

In some cases, complications occur such as damage to the heart muscle, poor eyesight, the acquisition of neurological diseases.

For people with HIV infection

If the parasite has penetrated the human body with immunodeficiency, then very serious consequences can occur. Depending on the form of the disease and the damage to one or another organ, complications can be different. So, often after infection, the brain, nervous system, kidneys, liver and other systems begin to suffer.

In most cases, such infected people have to fight this parasite for a very long time. Treatment can last for life.

For infants who are in the womb

If the pregnant woman underwent a study and positive test results were obtained, toxoplasmosis could have an irreparable effect on the unborn child. It is worth noting that the possibility of complications decreases in proportion to the increase in the period of pregnancy.

If a woman's infection occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy, then there is a big risk for the fetus. In this case, the consequences can be in the form of a delay in mental or physical development, congenital blindness, the appearance of pathology of organs such as the lungs, liver, and spleen. In more severe cases, intrauterine death or spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Many doctors recommend abortion in the event that in the first trimester positive results of analyzes are received.

Toxoplasmosis, found in the second trimester, carries a slightly lesser threat and the likelihood of infection. However, there is a risk of congenital heart disease, kidney damage, or developmental delay. When receiving positive test results during this period, the doctor chooses the most often expectant tactics. At the same time, a thorough examination of the future baby is conducted for the likelihood of complications.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the safest of all. If the infection occurred during this period, then, most likely, there will be no complication for the fetus. However, toxoplasmosis should be cured before delivery. Otherwise, infection will occur during the passage of the child through the birth canal. In this case, an acute form of pathology develops in the baby. The consequences of the disease may be appropriate.

What should everyone do?

If you do not know if toxoplasmosis was transferred earlier, then it's worth to pass the analysis. The study is most often done by studying the blood.

If the result "Toxoplasmosis - negative" comes to you, then it means that you do not have antibodies to this disease. In this case, infection can occur at any time. Pregnant women and women who plan to conceive should be especially careful with such results.

If the analysis shows that there is immunity to this parasite, then you can not be afraid of anything. Of course, this does not mean that you need to eat raw food and do not follow the rules of hygiene. However, be aware that in this case there is no probability of infection. Future moms do not have to worry about the impact of microorganisms on the future child.

If a positive result is obtained on toxoplasm, then treatment is necessary. Most often it consists in increasing the immune defenses of the body and preventing complications.


Hand over the analysis on a toxoplasmosis and learn or find out about the health more to avoid troubles. Now you have an idea of what are the methods of transmission of the disease and the possible consequences. Observe all security measures, only in this case you can protect yourself and your family from the parasite. Future mothers are recommended to take an analysis for the detection of this disease at least twice for pregnancy. Be healthy and never get sick!

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