Food and drink, Recipes
Nettle and sorrel soup: a recipe with an egg. How to cook soup from nettles and sorrel?
Everyone knows that nettle is a weed plant. But it has healing properties and is recommended for both external and oral use. A nettle, cooked in combination with sorrel, is the source of vitamins and microelements necessary for restoring and maintaining health.
Nettle and sorrel soup : good for the body
In folk medicine, "burning" nettles have been used for a long time. With the help of this plant, blood was stopped and wound healing was quickly healed. But nettles are also useful for internal use. In spring, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins, the young stems of this plant will help to fill their deficit. Nettle contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene.
In folk medicine, nettle is used as an effective blood purifier. It promotes the growth of the number of erythrocytes, is useful in anemia, rapidly increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is proved that this "burning" plant is useful in any form. You can make from it infusions and decoctions, add to salads or boil a soup of nettle and sorrel, the recipe of which in many families is inherited.
How to choose nettles for soup
Nettle is a "burning" plant, on the leaves of which there are special hairs. It is because of contact with them that small burns appear on the skin, disappearing after a short time. After the plant is ripped off, burning hairs will cease to be dangerous. Collect nettles should be away from motor roads, street yards and city squares. Select young shoots with a length of no more than 20 cm. Both stems of the plant and its leaves are suitable for use and useful.
Preparation of ingredients
Sorrel is more popular and common in the cooking plant. For the preparation of dishes his leaves are used. They are thoroughly washed, cut into small enough and added to the soups at the end of the cooking.
Russian cabbage soup with nettles
This is a classic variant of cooking spring soup with nettle and sorrel. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the recipe and cook with a beef shovel. Only in this case will the soup turn out really tasty. Nettle and sorrel soup, the recipe of which is offered below, is a dish served in restaurants of traditional Russian cuisine.
- Beef spatula (1 kg) pour 4 liters of water, add 1 head of onions and one whole carrot. Cook broth for 2 hours on low heat.
- After the specified time, take the meat out, cool it, remove it from the bone, cut into portions, and broth the broth.
- Boil hard-boiled 8 eggs. Cool and cut into large cubes.
- On vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the carrots, cut into cubes, and onions, ground in the form of semirings. Then add chopped nettle and sorrel (400 g each). Pour the vegetables and herbs with broth and simmer 10 minutes under the lid.
- Cut the potatoes into cubes. To send to boil in a saucepan with a broth for 20 minutes.
- When the potatoes are cooked, add stewed vegetables with nettle and sorrel to it. Salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes.
- The soup of nettle and sorrel is ready. Serve the table with chopped pork ribs, boiled eggs and sour cream.
- Bon Appetit!
This is a folk version of how to make soup from nettles and sorrel. Below are suggested other interesting recipes for cooking this dish.
Nettle cream soup with sorrel and sorrel without potatoes
Young nettles are a source of vitamins and useful elements. Therefore, it is necessary to include dishes with her in your diet. How to cook soup from nettles and sorrel?
While the dressing is being stewed, prepare a "thickener" for soup-mashed potatoes. For this, fry the flour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Salt and pepper. Add a liter of hot water, 5 egg yolks and 150 ml of sour cream. Constantly stir the soup, not allowing it to boil. Mix hot soup with a blender and decorate with finely chopped parsley. It will be delicious to serve soups or croutons.
Light soup of sorrel and nettle with egg
Prepare a delicious nettle soup with sorrel will not be difficult, if you follow a certain sequence.
- Prepare 500 g of nettle. To do this, it should be doused with boiling water and left for a couple of minutes in hot water. After that, the nettle should be ground in a blender, put into a frying pan and cooked with butter for 5 minutes.
- Onions, carrots and parsley root chop and fry in vegetable oil.
- In a saucepan boil 3 liters of water. Add the diced potatoes, and after 10 minutes - vegetable dressing and nettles.
- At this time, prepare the sauce from a tablespoon of flour, 60 g of butter, two tablespoons of sour cream and 50 ml of water.
- Prepare 400 g of sorrel: cut it and finely chop it.
- After 15 minutes from the beginning of boiling potatoes add soup flour sauce and sorrel. Cook for 5 minutes.
- Put the bay leaves, add salt and pepper to taste.
- Boil hard-boiled 3 eggs. Cool, cut large.
- Add eggs to the soup, allow to boil and immediately remove from heat.
Soup from sorrel and nettle with egg is ready!
The recipe for lean beet soup with nettle and sorrel
Even in a strict post, you can make the diet varied. Another option for preparing the first dish is beet soup.
How to cook soup from nettle and sorrel?
Boil water. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes and send it to a pot to cook. Peeled vegetables - onions, beets and carrots - must be cut into strips. Alternately fry in vegetable oil. Then add a little water and put out the vegetable dressing under the lid for 5-10 minutes. After the specified time, transfer the roasted mass from the frying pan to the saucepan. Salt, pepper, cook for 10 minutes. At the end of the preparation, add finely chopped nettle and sorrel. The beet soup is ready. Bon Appetit!
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