Food and drink, Recipes
Oat porridge on the water
It is known that the daily inclusion of oats in the diet is necessary for a number of reasons. One of them, the most attractive for women, who dream of losing extra pounds, is weight normalization. Oatmeal is recommended by doctors for obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other health problems. The mechanism of weight reduction is embedded in the ability of oat fiber (called beta-glucan) to lower the level of cholesterol. Dietary fiber cereals in the body become a viscous mass that binds cholesterol and other harmful substances and removes them from the body.
Hercules, from which oatmeal can be cooked on water or milk, is the most common and convenient for cooking. It contains the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as up to 17% of proteins, up to 7% of fats. Complex carbohydrates of this grains contribute to a long feeling of saturation and normalization of the sugar concentration in the blood. These properties of the oatmeal also explain the increase of the endurance of the organism with the constant use of this dish.
Oatmeal can be steamed. This method of heat treatment is not less useful. Flakes swell under the influence of steam and get the desired viscous consistency. Add to this dish milk or butter is not needed. A little honey, fruit or sugar is enough. Recently, the fashion has spread the use of water, infused on the flakes of oatmeal: it is drunk or used to prepare various culinary dishes. But such water is inferior in many respects to porridge.
Recipe 1
Oatmeal porridge on the water is sufficiently nutritious and useful. The addition of milk or oil in the cereal is not particularly recommended for elderly people with IHD or those who plan to lose weight. You can eat it for breakfast or dinner. Ingredients:
100 g of cereals;
2 cups of purified water;
2 tablespoons raisins (pick, rinse, leave to dry);
½ cup prunes without pits (washed and dried);
In the saucepan pour the oats and pour it with water. Put on a slow fire, after 5 minutes, increase the heat and bring to a boil. Add raisins and prunes, mix, a minute turn off the heat and leave on a warm burner, so that the porridge has reached the ready and thickened. If desired, you can add salt. Oatmeal porridge on the water is ready, eat it hot.
Recipe 2
Adding a banana will not only improve the taste, but will also strengthen the action to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon will help lower blood pressure. This oatmeal on the water is very nutritious and useful. Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 cup oatmeal;
2 bananas (washed, cleaned and cut across - the thickness of the circles is about 1 cm);
2 cups of water;
1 table spoon sugar;
3 tablespoons raisins (wash and leave to dry);
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
How to cook oatmeal in water on this recipe? Oat flakes are poured into the pan, they put all the ingredients and pour out the water. Put on the fire, stirring, bring to a boil. If the porridge is cooked on an electric stove, the heating is turned off and left on a warm burner until it thickens. If the stove is gas, then continue to cook on a very low heat until ready (oat flakes should swell and soak up all the water). Serve the porridge hot.
Recipe 3
Oatmeal porridge on the water can be unsweetened, it is brewed without sugar, honey or fruit. From this, it will be no less tasty and useful, since after its consumption, slags and toxins are effectively eliminated from the body. Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 cup of oatmeal ;
1 table spoon of cow's oil;
2 ½ cups of water;
½ teaspoon of tea;
1 bunch of dill (washed, left to dry and very finely chopped).
The groats are poured into a saucepan and poured into water. Give to boil, stir all the time. Turn off the heating. Add salt and oil, mix and leave in the heat until cooked. Add dill to the porridge, mix and spread on plates.
Eat oatmeal - add to your health!
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