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Names for snails, care and maintenance of shellfish

Want to start a pet, but sorry for furniture, carpets and your nerves? We present to your attention a snail ahatina. This wonderful creature comes from Africa. It is absolutely unpretentious, does not bark, does not bite, does not spoil things and has almost no smell. The size of a snail can be controlled by a person, which is very convenient. You can grow it gigantic or very small - all according to your desire.

Features of snails

As is known, snails are hermaphrodites. This means that they have both male genital organs and female organs. Therefore, with the continuation of the kind of problems will not be. But how to choose names for snails, you'll have to break your head! But more about this later, and now remember - during mating the role of the female is usually taken by the older snail, and if it does not lay eggs for a long time, it is a clear sign that a snail needs freshness.

By the way, on average, akhatin lives 5 years, but some hold 10.

Where to settle such a miracle?

Before you buy, take care of the aquarium (terrarium) or a plastic container for the maintenance of the cochlea. The main thing that it was spacious, especially if you want to grow a large individual. Must be a cover. It's not a fish, so she can easily leave her house and travel around the apartment. Do not forget about the air, there must be holes in the lid, otherwise your clam will suffocate.

At the bottom you need to lay a special primer, or even better - a coconut substrate. Distribute it evenly along the bottom, from five to seven centimeters thick. Snails love dampness and humidity, for this, every morning sprinkle the soil with water from the spray gun. And ideally, build a small bath, where this belly creature will swim. Only not deep - up to 1 centimeter, otherwise the snail will choke. Change the soil is recommended every 3 months.

You should not equip the estate with stones, statues, objects that can damage the shell.

How to name the hermaphrodite: names for snails

As already mentioned above, snails are hermaphrodites. Therefore, picking a name for your pet can be quite problematic. Which ones to choose? Names for snails of boys or girls? It all depends on your preferences - decide for yourself, your boy is a snail or a girl. And we will give just a few tips:

  • Since any animal is a true friend, the names for snails can be human: Arseniy, Gosh, Vasya, Margot, Nadia.
  • These pets are true gourmets, determine their favorite delicacy and name in honor of it: Bananchik, Ogurchik, Pomidorchik, Arbuzik, Dynka ...
  • Everyone knows that these animals are not particularly fast, use your sarcasm: Bystric, Shustrick, Rocket, Ish-235, etc.
  • It all depends on your imagination. Names for snail girls can be selected even geographically: Russia, Canada, Africa ...
  • The popular character of SpongeBob is delighted with his home snail Gerry, you can steal an idea from him and name his own as well, and you can use other foreign names: Fred, Lola, Steve, John.
  • Names for snails can be borrowed from your favorite cartoon characters, serials, films: Pupsene, Wopsen, Harry Potter, Dr. House, Cheburashka.
  • And not only the characters, but also real people, your idols: Eminem, Samuel Jackson, Merlin Monroe.
  • In the end, you can call a pet and popular names for pets. It will be very funny: Druzhok, Pushok, Bug, Kuzya.

Picking names for snails is probably the most difficult, compared with buying and caring for them. Everything depends on you, your imagination, your desire. Connect the creative and come up with something original.

What the snail eats

But whatever you call your pet, it must be fed. The diet is selected individually - mostly fruits and vegetables, except citrus fruits. Also, be careful not to give the sweet pepper. With the soil, you can mix fish food (some snails love it especially) and crushed egg shell to strengthen the shell.

Because they are nocturnal animals, they need to be fed in the evening. You do not need to pile up everything with a mountain, it's better to lay out the products around the perimeter. In one corner - a leaf of lettuce, in the other - a couple of cucumber slices or a tomato. Food can also be sprinkled with shredded shell. In the morning you need to remove the peel and other waste. It is recommended to diversify the menu for pets, for example, today - a leaf of lettuce, vegetables, next time - melon, watermelon, then - pear, plum and so on. Everything depends on the preferences and the season, of course.

The snail can be fed every night, it is possible and through the times. The main thing is that the product does not deteriorate in two days. By the way, snails can live without food for two weeks. At the same time, they fall asleep: they hide in a shell and are covered with a film - they include an energy-saving regime. To wake her, bathe her under a warm water.

Remember, any food artificially containing salt will kill the animal.

How to bathe a snail?

To bathe a snail is better with drinking water, a purified filter or at least boiled. It should be warm, but not much. Pour the pitcher in a thin trickle, and if she starts to open and show the horns, then she likes the temperature. Very carefully wash it with a trickle and make sure that it does not dive into the water, otherwise it may drown. A snail can place a head, a neck under the jet - there is no danger in this. The animal chokes when it does not expect that the air will be blocked by water.

You need to bathe it once a week, but more often, it's their favorite occupation. If you bathe too seldom, the mollusc will have poor health and mood, and this can develop into an illness.

You need to bathe for at least 30 minutes. But this does not mean that all this time you have to keep the snail under the stream. After she took a shower and you washed her shell, safely send her to the pool. As it can be used a disposable plastic plate.

That's all - to bathe once a week, to feed in the evenings, to moisten the aquarium and clean up the waste. Forgot - nothing terrible. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to decide what name can be given to the snail!

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