Homeliness, Repairs
Modern window fittings
One of the basic elements of the metal-plastic window is its fittings - the system of locking, opening and folding the flaps. From its quality characteristics depend the safety, durability and reliability of the whole modern PVC-system. The most important task entrusted to the window fittings is the stable operability of the window flaps under maximum loads, in different climatic zones and temperature conditions.
At the moment the development of the window market, the choice of accessories is quite extensive and extremely diverse, it is represented on the market by many manufacturers from various European countries. Window fittings are highly differentiated in the price and quality segment. As a result, the products of well-known trade brands highlight high reliability, build quality, high, but quite reasonable prices, a serious warranty period.
Methods of opening leaflets
Modern fittings allow the doors of the plastic window to be used in the following positions: swivel, swing-tilt, sliding.
With the advent of new opportunities, modern window fittings could be realized in new creative, engineering solutions. Using PVC windows has become much easier and more enjoyable. Retired "windows", greatly reducing the light opening, the entire control mechanism of the sash was integrated into the shut-off reinforced window handle. The accessories became rather unpretentious in maintenance, with the help of a conventional hexagon, even an unprepared user is able to adjust the clamps of the leaflets to the window frame, the position of the leaflets, and in the coldest days set the winter mode of the locking pins.
In connection with the modernization of the production process, manufacturers began to introduce modern technologies into production. More reliable parts and structural elements are created, which ensure the rise of modern oconomy to a qualitatively new level. Despite what goals you pursue, ordering windows. It can be glazing of a balcony in a Khrushchev , or installation of a PVC-structure in a private house, you can qualitatively pick up an opening system that will be most suitable in your particular case.
Types of ventilation
To ventilate the room, several kinds of window frame sash position are used. For example, stepped ventilation, which is also called a slot. The fittings are attached to the frame and the door, allowing, when the handle is placed in the "five minutes" position, to create a small gap for the influx and entry of fresh outdoor air into the room. The next method is the air valves that are mounted on the frame. These ventilation systems can be controlled both in manual mode and in automatic mode, where valves with sponges installed in them, swelling from moisture, raise the barrier plate, which lets fresh air into the room.
The valve for microventilating is a fairly large mechanism. For its installation it is necessary to make a through hole in the window frame, through which the air will penetrate. Compared with the slit airing, the valve is more convenient, because with its help the space of the room is ventilated without opening the porch gate. In this case, for good sound insulation, we recommend using a soundproof air valve. The plus is that when the ventilating is slit, you need to open the window. And this significantly violates the soundproofing.
Fittings and area of its application
Since the wishes and requests of customers for windows are becoming more complex and non-standard, hardware manufacturers also have to keep pace with the times. Now the locking swing-and-tilt mechanisms can easily be integrated into windows or doors of almost any size of all profile systems of German and Russian manufacturers. The scope of the mechanisms is determined by the dimensions of the leaflets, its weight, thickness and the configuration of the insulating glass unit. Virtually do not matter the size of the doors, windows and doors, some restrictions are imposed on the weight of the doors.
The last few years, PVC window and door manufacturers complete their plastic windows, doors and entrance panels with only high quality fittings from German, Austrian and Turkish manufacturers. Roto, Maco, Vorne. This is the best window hardware, without which plastic windows can not be considered high-quality.
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