Homeliness, Building
Metal and plastic pipes for ventilation are able to complement each other
Standard sanitary and hygienic standards require a continuous inflow of fresh air into the living quarters and the withdrawal of already exhausted air. If the house or apartment is equipped with gas heating, the presence of supply and exhaust ventilation is mandatory. Devices that divert air are equipped with bathrooms, kitchens, fireplace rooms, saunas and similar facilities. Small single-storey houses are equipped with systems that provide natural air circulation. However, regardless of the method of air exchange, all systems are mainly of the channel type, using ventilation pipes or air ducts.
For each room its own air duct is designed. All of them are connected by one outlet channel. If the premises are too far from each other (for example, in a country cottage), it is possible to use a different wiring scheme. In any case, according to building regulations, ventilation pipes must not cross gas, water and sewage communications. It is also forbidden to use air ducts for laying a sewage pipeline.
Before finding out which pipe is best for ventilation - plastic or metal, - it should be noted that both of them must meet the general requirements for ventilation ducts: be absolutely leakproof, freely pass the projected airflow, do not exceed the noise standard, have thermal insulation And fire resistance, and in addition, as much as possible to design the premises.
Flanged connections provide the construction of both metal pipe and PVC products with a system of any complexity. However, in the zone of roof structures, metal pipes require mandatory insulation, in which PVC does not need.
Now applied along with rigid flexible pipes for ventilation, which can be bent at any angle, most of them plastic, because, unlike steel and aluminum, they do not create the effect of additional aerodynamic resistance. It is the corrugated plastic products that installers prefer to install the ventilation system in cottages and country cottages: they require a minimum of joints and fastenings, which ensures a relatively short time of work.
So, metal and PVC pipes of ventilation systems at their installation in many respects can advantageously supplement each other, providing observance of both sanitary-hygienic and building norms.
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