Health, Preparations
Medication "Grammidine". Instructions for use
Tablets "Grammidine" instruction characterizes as an antiseptic for local use in ENT and dental practice. Combined medication is effective for pathologies of inflammatory, infectious type in the pharynx and oral cavity. As active substances in the drug contain cetylpyridinium chloride and gramicidin C. The mechanism of activity of the latter is due to increased permeability in the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell.
The drug "Grammidine" (instruction for use confirms this) is recommended for stomatitis, gingivitis, angina, periodontitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
Dosage regimen
The drug is recommended to patients with twelve years of 1 tablet less than four times a day. For children from 4 to 12 years - 1 tablet once or twice a day. After taking the drug is not recommended to eat food and drinks for an hour or two.
The Grammidine medication (instructions for use warns of this) is not prescribed until the age of four, during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), during lactation. Contraindications include individual intolerance of the components of the drug. If necessary, use medicament during lactation, feeding is stopped. Therapy of children from the age of four should be supervised by a specialist.
Side effects
The medicine, as practice shows, is tolerated satisfactorily at any age. On the basis of hypersensitivity, it is possible to develop allergies in the form of skin rashes, irritation, dryness of the cover. If there are negative reactions not indicated and not described in the annotation, if the condition worsens or if there is no therapeutic effect, stop using the medication and visit the doctor.
The drug "Grammidine". Instructions. Price. Additional Information
In practice, there are no cases of overdose. Theoretically, the emergence of dyspeptic disorders, dizziness. Standard support activities are recommended. The drug "Grammidine" (instruction for use shows this) is allowed for over-the-counter vacation. The drug can enhance the activity of other drugs that have an antimicrobial effect of systemic or local use. The medicine is allowed for use within two years from the date of manufacture. Storage is carried out out of the reach of children. The cost of the medicine is about 150 rubles.
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