News and Society, Environment
Means of movement of modern man. Short description
Since the birth of humanity, people have been thinking about vehicles that can travel long distances. After all, the speed of walking and running a person is not great, accordingly, even a trained individual can walk about thirty kilometers on rough terrain (resting and snacking along the course of the distance). Therefore every vehicle of a person is a separate interesting story, which can be talked for hours.
A bit of history
Until then, when people came up with a wheel, the means of transportation were domestic animals: horses, donkeys, camels, elephants. Cavalry, as a form of troops, was used in the middle of the last century, during the Great Patriotic War. And elephants and camels as human assistants are listed to this day (but already, rather, in terms of exotics).
With the advent of the wheel, the world changes. Were invented all kinds of carts, carriages, carriages, chariots, which gave man the greatest freedom of movement. They were attached to live draft power (for example, it was possible to fasten a troika or six horses to the carriage, which greatly increased the speed and range of movement). Later there are also mechanical ones - a locomotive, a car, which can already be classified as "modern means of transportation".
At sea and in the air
By sea, man has long been moving with the help of boats and ships, also with time undergoing modifications. If in ancient times ships used the power of the wind and the muscular strength of slaves, then the newest ships - the vehicles of modern man - the physical force of burning and even the power of a split atom!
About desire and dreams to fly, like birds, a special conversation. For all of its history, people have come up with wings, balloons, gliders, airplanes, helicopters, and spacecraft. The last three positions can also be considered as vehicles of modern man. Thus, current aircraft can fly around the globe without refueling, and helicopters - deliver products or medicines to hard-to-reach mountainous areas.
And now imagine the top popularity.
Probably, this is the most popular tool. In every major city there are hundreds of thousands. Every year new concept cars and models for the middle class are born. Family cars are used for out-of-town recreation, and sports cars are used for competitions. According to sociologists, a good half of the male population of the planet wants to buy a new car.
A bike
Ironically, a bicycle is the most popular for many people. Especially in Europe, where even high-ranking officials go to work on the "great". And in China, workers and peasants are riding bicycles to work and home. Thus, a bicycle, as an urban mode of transport, can be safely attributed to the category of "vehicles of modern man." And he is still in demand among boys from every yard!
A train
Railway communication between cities is developed in any country. Those who are accustomed to travel a lot, choose the train as a relatively inexpensive and comfortable way to ride. After all, in a compartment car, for example, you can lie down, and sleep, and eat, and watch a movie on the laptop, so as not to get bored on the road. And for special workaholics there is also the opportunity to work in modern conditions.
Traveling by bus will be less comfortable than riding in a car. However, there are pluses here: if the bus passes through towns and places with sights, then this is also an optional excursion. So the bus can be attributed to the category of "modern man's means of transportation".
Moving through the air quickly, but expensive. Therefore, this method is not everyone can afford. The plane easily flies huge distances, to overcome which the ancient travelers would need months and years. In addition, it is possible to realize the long-standing dream of humanity: to fly like birds. Add to all the magnificent scenery and types of clouds that open from the porthole.
Water vehicles
They remain quite popular in the modern world. All kinds of ships, yachts, hovercraft, motor boats and even sailboats. On the water to travel, enjoying the different species, very nice. But not for those who suffer from seasickness. They, of course, choose land ways of transportation.
Means of transportation for the elderly
Elderly people sometimes find it difficult to move around. Therefore, for them (originally - for people with disabilities) and was invented "eco-mobile". This unique tool slightly resembles a motor scooter on three wheels. It charges its batteries from the electrical network of 220 volts. Enough of the charge is not too long, but it is enough to go to the cottage or shop for shopping, ride on the embankment on vacation. Moreover, this means of transportation for the elderly is environmentally friendly! This is really a godsend for old people and people with disabilities. Also eco-car is relevant for parks, shopping centers, gardens, reserves.
The newest means of transportation
To the so-called transport of the future can be attributed an electric car using as an energy environmentally friendly electricity instead of gasoline. The development stage and the engine on the water.
Vacuum train - a worthy alternative to modernity! High technology will allow transport to travel at great speeds. Construction of the first branch is planned to be completed in China by 2020.
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