Food and drinkRecipes

Marinated lampreys: a recipe for cooking

Lamprey is a fairly specific seafood. When preparing it is necessary to remove the poisonous mucus that envelops the carcass. Some advise washing in several waters, rubbing with salt. But the most effective way is to remove the skin with a stocking. This is easy to do, just use it. Marinated lamprey is a delicacy. It is not so often sold in stores. If you managed to buy a fresh or frozen product, then you can cook it yourself.

Marinated lampreys. The recipe is the first

Lamprey is better not to fry. Such heat treatment leads to the release of carcinogens, it is best to bake lamprey before pickling. Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • Lamprey in the amount of 1 kg;
  • Wheat flour for breading;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • Salt, lemon, wine vinegar, black pepper, bay leaves, carnation buds;
  • A spoonful of sugar;
  • A large onion;
  • 2 cups of drinking water.


How to cook marinated lamprey? The recipe will be considered in step-by-step instructions.

1 step

Remove the lamp from the lamprey. Peel the product a little salt and roll in flour. Put on a baking sheet with butter and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Step 2

After that, cut the lamprey into 4 parts, fold it into a glass jar. Prepare the marinade. To do this, cut the polished onion into semi-rings, mix it with butter. Squeeze out the lemon juice and put the zest. Add sugar, add bay leaf, clove. Put everything boiling. After removing from the fire pour vinegar.

Step 3

Pour the prepared lamprey with a hot marinade. Wait until the cooling, then tighten the jar lid and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. After the time has passed, the product will be ready for use.


Good stored in the cold pickled lamprey. The recipe for this seafood is simple, but the preparation process is very painstaking. Lamprey is served as an independent dish. An additional side dish is not required. Often the seafood is consumed with beer, white dry wine. Decorate the dish with parsley sprigs, fresh cucumber slices and green salad leaves.

Marinated lampreys. Recipe for the second

The taste of pickled lamprey is special, for an amateur. You can prepare them using the following ingredients:

  • Fresh lampreys in an amount of 1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil of 100 ml;
  • A glass of wheat flour;
  • A few tablespoons of (large) table vinegar;
  • Seeds of mustard, sugar, coriander - 1 tbsp. L .;
  • A few pieces of cloves, black pepper (peas), bay leaf;
  • Salt, carrots, dried (pinch).


Marinated lamprey, the recipe of which we will now bring, to taste it turns spicy and piquant. Cut the refined seafood into pieces. It is best to remove the head and tails. Salt, roll in flour. Cover the baking sheet with paper and lay the lampreys. Place in the oven for half an hour (180 degrees). Prepare the marinade. In a saucepan, boil 300 ml of water, add butter, spices, salt and sugar. Pour in the vinegar. Prepare the fish for the cans. Fill with a hot marinade and tighten the lids. Once the containers are cool, place them in the refrigerator. After a day pickled lamprey can be eaten. It turns out a very tasty snack. Bon Appetit!

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