
Manual defensive grenade «limonka» F-1: description, characteristics and reviews

There are a lot of weapons on the world, which in itself is truly legendary. This also applies to the pomegranate "limonka", better known as the F-1 index. Many believe that it appeared comparatively recently, whereas it is far from being the case: this type was the armament of the Red Army already during the Great Patriotic War. So when did "lemonka" appear and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Main characteristics

This grenade belongs to the class of manual defensive weapons. Simply put, it is intended to defeat the enemy's manpower with fragments due to the use of its soldiers by hand, without the use of any auxiliary means for throwing. In short, a classic grenade, the principle of which has not changed since the time of the glorious bombardier Peter Alekseevich. The deceleration time is from 3.2 to 4.2 seconds, quite "blurry".

What is the difference between a defensive variety? This term means that in the explosion a sufficiently large number of massive fragments are formed, flying at a range significantly higher than that for the throw. A soldier after throwing such a grenade must necessarily jump into a fairly safe hiding place. Otherwise, there is a high probability of his own weapons being destroyed. That's what a grenade is called "lemon".

External differences

A characteristic feature - a ribbed body, cast from a special grade of cast iron. It is subdivided into exactly 32 segments. Theoretically, this should mean that under the explosion, all the same 32 fragments are formed, but in practice this is not always the case. Together with the garnet fuse, "limonka" weighs as much as 0.6 kg. TNT acts as an explosive . The weight is 60 grams. The fuse is characterized by its versatility, as it can be used simultaneously with grenades RG-41, RG-42, RGD-5. Its index is UZRGM.

It should be remembered that combat grenades are painted strictly in green, which can range from khaki to dark olive. The training variant is black, in this case there are two white bands on the surface of the projectile. In addition, the training grenade "lemon" has a hole in the bottom. Important! The fuse has no indication coloring.

The training grenade is characterized by the fact that the check and the entire lower part of the clamping lever are painted in a scarlet color. Since it is possible to make a training "garnet" (grenade) from combat, you can remove the fuse and "fry" the case on the fire (it will simply burn out, without explosion), then you do not need to forget about this feature when manufacturing the "ersatz". Otherwise, someone can "catch" a heart attack during the exercises.

Where did the "limonka" go from the Russian land?

Most likely, the prototype served as a grenade Mils during the First World War. At that time it was the most advanced weapon in its class. This assumption is certainly not devoid of a grain of truth, since the form and principle of the design of the shrapnel shirt are surprisingly similar. However, there is another point of view.

F. Leonidov believes that the French model F-1 (!) Served as a direct model for the assembly, which was adopted in 1915 and ... the English grenade of the Lemon system (one of the versions why the F-1 grenade is called "lemon"). But is this really so, no one can prove it no longer.

In principle, this is not so important, because the design of the fuse is native to the native, and the high technological level of production is a tribute to the Soviet weapons tradition. Both English and French samples of the PMW times are much more difficult to manufacture and more expensive.

Different firing options

First, it was equipped with a fuse, the author of which was F. V. Koveshnikov. According to the principle of work, it was absolutely similar to modern, but differed somewhat more labor-intensive manufacturing. But its main drawback was that it was "eaten" only by a hand-held defensive grenade F-1 "limonka".

In 1941, Ye. M. Vitseny and AA Bednyakov created the UZRG model, which fits practically all domestic grenades. This design was so successful that after the war, under the name UZRGM (modified), it remained in service and is being manufactured to this day.

Grenades are stored in wooden boxes. Packing - 20 pieces each. The fuses are stored in the same place, but in metal cans (sealed), ten pieces per pack. The weight of the fully equipped container is exactly 20 kilograms.

On the scattering of fragments and luck

On the maximum range of the cast is difficult to say: if the soldier is a master of sports in throwing a disc, it can exceed 100 meters. A physically developed person will toss it (on average) 30-35 meters. Fragments (in practice) fly off about 30 meters. Here it is necessary to make an important digression.

Almost all the instructions say that the grenade "limonka" "scatter" fragments of 150-200 meters. This is not quite a fantasy: indeed, some "scraps" can fly and at such a distance. But there is no question of a zone of guaranteed defeat in this case.

Moreover, in other situations, fragments depart even 200 meters from the RG-42, whose creators did not stammer such records. This is not an indicator. The experience of participants in real combat operations says that the zone of guaranteed damage to mines, grenades and the like of "good" is about 35-40 meters, not more. If further - then everything depends on individual luck. If absolutely-very lucky, then there is a chance and a meter from the exploded "lemon" to stay alive.

On the actual use of grenades in battle

Experienced soldiers say that throwing grenades - a thing extremely capricious and unpredictable. No one knows what to expect of her. Repeatedly recorded cases where people perished from a fragment of their own grenade, while the enemy even scratched people did not turn out. This is especially true in the mountains, where in fact the most "well done" is bayonet, since in some situations it can even be dangerous to shoot there.

Of course, in the movie Hollywood heroes throw one offensive (!) "Crackers" can destroy a platoon of villains inclusive. In reality, the fragmentation grenade F-1 "limonka" can bring a lot of problems to the person who threw it, and not to its opponents.

A really documented miracle

In 1987, in the military unit 74292 was the real case, when the F-1 exploded inside (!) The T-62 tank. And the hatches were open at the same time. There were "standing" exercises, on the site of the tank commander was a young soldier, in the role of the charging comots acted in the rank of captain. So that's it. The commander did not receive any damage at all, and a tiny fragment flew into the soldier's hand. But all the internal tank "obtention" was literally riddled with fragments.

The case resembles a fairy tale, but it is really documented. So, hoping to gobble out a grenade with a whole company of opponents is an unpromising undertaking. In a mountainous or wooded area, the enemy (if he is at least somehow trained) will almost certainly be able to escape from the damaging factors of the explosion.

About the correct use

Before using, the soldier must unbend the safety barbels, and then take the grenade in such a way that the hand completely fixes the clamping lever to the body. Just before the throw (!), You need to pull the check. Keep the "lemonade" in this position for an unlimited time, since with a compressed lever, the primer is not triggered, and therefore, the explosion does not occur.

As soon as the target is chosen, it is necessary to throw a grenade into it energetically. The lever at this point will turn, releasing the combat drummer, and fly away. The drummer initiates the capsule (punctures it), and in three or four seconds there will be an explosion.

Do you remember how the films repeatedly showed the episode when a desperate sailor (soldier, revolutionary, partisan, etc.) in the last, desperate tug pulls the check with his teeth? If you decide to repeat this trick, be preoccupied with having a good dentist, since you will have to change your front teeth 100%. Even with your hand, if the fixing antennae are not straightened, such a feat can only be done by Schwarzenegger in his youth, so what kind of teeth are there ... In a word, do not try to rip out a check in this way!

Tales from the landfill, or Reviews about the use

A variety of people fall into our army. Some "limonka" (a pomegranate is educational, but this is not particularly affected by the situation) causes such uncontrollable horror that at the firing line they begin to create various "indecencies". Most often this is expressed in the fact that a person tightly squeezes it in his hands and does not hear any orders.

Others are able to throw a check at the target or, swinging for a "heroic" throw, launch a grenade for a meter and a half. This is not a firecracker - a grenade! "Limonka" in this case is indeed deadly not for the target, but for the fighter himself.

Ironically, women in the army behave much more adequately when dealing with such a dangerous subject. They are focused, executive and diligent. Emotions at this moment they are not visited at all! But after the throw, they willingly share with friends about "tested horror" and "shaking podzhalkah."

Advantages of F-1

Why is this weapon, which actually appeared a hundred years ago, is still being actively used not only in our army, but also in the armed forces of other states of the former USSR? The most important factors are simplicity, manufacturability and cheap production. The process of the latter was extremely simple: the casting of the hull was made, molten TNT was placed in it, it was cooled ...

And the grenade was ready! Compare this with the release of the same RGO when using steel, plastic, and other materials. "Lomonki" could produce any enterprise, which had at least some foundry.

In addition, the weight of the grenade allows it to be used effectively in urban conditions: being thrown with sufficient energy, it will easily fly through glass, branches, other obstacles. In addition, the explosion does not depend on the force with which the F-1 collides with the surface. It can fall on a tree, a stone, a steel, in a swamp or a river, but all the same it will blow up (as a rule).

In addition, the grenade F-1 "limonka" is quite powerful and killer. And what else does the military need? Strangely enough, much. These grenades have drawbacks.

The "limonok" cons

First, the weight. As much as 0.6 kg! In combat conditions this is a very significant mass. Secondly, the "fuzzy" fuse action: from 3.2 to 4.2 seconds. Moreover, in practice there are constantly samples that can explode in both less and more time. In one part of Transbaikalia, this circumstance nearly led to a tragedy, when the grenade exploded in eight seconds!

The soldier at that time was already leaning out from behind the shelter, and only by a lucky chance did he not shredded shrapnel. In addition, in combat conditions, the prolonged action of the fuse can lead to the fact that a particularly "smart" enemy will simply throw out a "gift" that has arrived to him.

Thirdly, there is no version of the grenade, which would be undermined immediately after contact with the target. These are the so-called mountain models. In Afghanistan, this has repeatedly led to tragedies, when an abandoned shell jumped off a rock and flew back. All these shortcomings were absent in grenades RGO and RGN. But they were much more expensive and more difficult to produce, and their release fell on the collapse of the USSR. So the same "efka" remained on guard.

Grenade "lemonka" F1, having many positive qualities, in any case, many years will be in the arsenal of our army.

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