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Can pregnant women drink coffee

Pregnant women often ask their doctors the question: "Is it possible for pregnant women to have coffee?" Indeed, this topic worries many expectant mothers. Coffee many years ago captivated people's hearts on our planet. Experts for many years studying this drink, trying to unravel its secrets. The question of the harm or use of coffee does not at present have a definite answer. Experts have found that this drink is both harmful and useful at the same time. As for which side of the scales is still outweighed, it is difficult to say so far. However, most scientists say that coffee during pregnancy is still undesirable. So whether coffee is harmful to pregnant women, we will discuss later in the article.

For those women who for a long time meet the morning with a hot cup of fragrant and delicious coffee, this news is quite disappointing. From the initial stage of fetal development and pregnancy should significantly reduce the consumption of this drink. In addition, it is much better to completely exclude it from your diet until the baby is born, and the woman will not stop feeding it with breast milk. That's why it needs to be done.

It is known for sure that coffee and coffee drinks contain a certain substance that exerts an exciting effect directly on the human nervous system. In this case, such a reaction of the woman's brain entails problems with sleep, affects her mood and the work of all the internal systems and organs of the future mother. In addition to all of the above, even small doses of coffee have a diuretic effect. In this case, the kidneys of a pregnant woman begin to work in an accelerated mode, and her body is simply dehydrated. Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing - all these are the consequences of drinking coffee during pregnancy. It is also worth noting that coffee contributes to removing from the human body such important elements as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and iron. And they during pregnancy are simply necessary for the future mother. To date, Russian scientists have established the fact that coffee can act on the woman's body, as a contraceptive. To do this, you need to drink more than three cups of this drink in one day. If the couple is planning a pregnancy in the near future, partners should take care of this matter in advance, eliminating coffee from their daily menu. A pregnant woman should refuse to drink this drink, as coffee often provokes the so-called tone of the uterus. The risk of miscarriage in a similar situation increases dramatically.

Let's hasten to calm, because it is this influence that a small amount of coffee does not. However, two to three hundred and fifty-gram cups are enough to get a similar effect.

Of course, in this case, how many scientists, so many versions about the harm and benefits of coffee. But all experts agree in the answers about whether it is possible for pregnant women or not. The only difference is the duration of pregnancy, at which the risk of problems with the health of the mother and child increases. For example, in the United States of America, the prevailing view is that the use of coffee and beverages of its third trimester pregnant women is particularly dangerous. It is during this period that the baby's nervous system is very sensitive to the main component of coffee - caffeine. Coffee always penetrates the baby's placenta. This should not be forgotten. When caffeine is delivered directly into the baby's blood, its blood vessels begin to narrow, oxygen supply to the fetus becomes more difficult. This is how hypoxia develops, or oxygen starvation of the fetus. In addition to all this, coffee greatly suppresses the woman's appetite, which is extremely undesirable in pregnancy.

To the question: "Can I get pregnant with coffee?" - you can give an unambiguous answer. Coffee is best for pregnant women not to eat at all. For the sake of the health and health of the future child it is necessary to limit quantity of this drink in the menu to a minimum. Naturally, from one or two sips of coffee a month the woman will be nothing. In any case, those who are interested in the topic "can pregnant women have coffee" can find answers to their questions from specialists, doctors and so on. Thus, the future mother will certainly be able to find an answer to the question posed earlier: "Is it possible for pregnant women to have coffee?".

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