
Several reasons to visit the Yaroslavl Zoo

Yaroslavl Zoo is located near the city of Yaroslavl in the village of Shevelyukha. Its official opening took place in 2008 and was timed to celebrate the millennium of the city. The zoo covers an area of more than 100 hectares, which is home to about 250 species of animals.

An interesting and fun adventure will be a trip to the Yaroslavl Zoo, the operating mode of which - from 10 to 18 hours a day. Cash desks stop working at 17 o'clock. Horseback riding stops at 16.30.

You can reach the zoo by car or public transport. When planning a trip, it is better to choose buses # 21 and # 25 or a fixed-route taxi # 93. It is worth mentioning the cost of entering the Yaroslavl Zoo. The ticket price for adult visitors is 250 rubles, for children from 7 to 14 years - 150 rubles, under 7 years - for free. The ticket also provides free entry to the exotarium. In addition, you can visit the park of artiodactyls, ride a pony or participate in the attraction "Fishing".

The Yaroslavl Zoo is unique in its structure. All animals live in enclosures, the conditions of which are as close to natural as possible. This is done for the comfort of the inhabitants, who, under favorable conditions, begin to reproduce in a natural way. The purpose of such an interesting approach is not to maximize profit, but to create and develop a special worldview. The philosophy of the founders is to emphasize conservation of wildlife and help to survive rare species.

At the moment, the zoo is home to more than 1,600 animals of various animals. Among them you can see kangaroos and bears, llamas and zebras, as well as deer, foxes and wolves, storks and pheasants, deer and ostrich. One of the most unusual and rare inhabitants of the zoo can be called a double-headed royal snake.

The Yaroslavl Zoo is famous for another interesting and unusual project. On its territory is a unique demonstration center "The Ark". The three-story building is divided into several sectors, in each of which there are animals of various kinds. Here you can observe the life and habits of fish and reptiles, plants and insects.

A special contact sector allows you to touch some animals and play with them. Basically there are pigs, goats, chickens and other non-fictitious representatives of fauna, communication with which can not harm visitors.

The Yaroslavl Zoo is known for its lectures and meetings with scientists and biologists. The goal of the organization's educational activities is to inculcate a new worldview for visitors and their children. After all, the more people learn to love and respect nature, the better will be the life of all mankind.

On the territory of the zoo you can also participate in various thematic excursions, ride animals and take pictures with them. Special group programs for schoolchildren are aimed at the overall development of children and instilling in them love for the environment. For people with disabilities, special programs have been developed that help improve the emotional state of participants.

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