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What does the eider (bird) look like? What is unusual about it?

Gaga - a bird that lives at the edge of the eternal ice. Unlike her feathered relatives, she loves the coolness of winter more than the warm summer days. Scientists for a long time could not understand why it happened. But, having studied it better, they finally saw the whole picture as a whole, which made it possible to reveal all the secrets of this amazing bird.

So let's get to know her better. We learn that there is an unusual eider in the bird, and why she so loves the deserted shores of the Arctic. And we'll tell you exactly how she fights with a fierce cold and at the same time manages to survive.

Gaga - a bird that lives near the ice edge

It should be noted that the eider bird is a representative of one of the species of winter ducks. Love for the snow-covered expanses of these birds in the blood, because their ancestors learned to survive in harsh conditions even in those times when man was just beginning to master the first lands.

Its range extends to virtually all northern territories bordering the sea or the ocean. So, this bird can be found near the snow-covered shores of Scandinavia, Greenland, Novaya Zemlya, North America, and also in some regions of the Russian Federation. In addition, representatives of this species have long settled on numerous skeletons scattered throughout the Atlantic Ocean.

Gaga - a bird, can survive in the most severe conditions. For a comfortable life, she does not need rich food fields or grassy meadows. She likes the desolate rocks and salt waters of the seas more.

What does a bird of the eider look like?

For a long time, the appearance of this bird drove into the stupor of many researchers. The reason for this is the serious external differences that exist between males and females of this species of ducks. However, with the development of the level of biology, scientists have understood - there is nothing strange in this. After all, many birds have a brighter color, the main purpose of which is to attract the attention of a partner.

As for eider males, their body is dominated by white and black. At the same time, all dark shades are on the stomach, wings and top of the duck. But the upper part and neck are always covered with white feathers, creating a vivid contrast. Sometimes the top of the male can be green, especially at a young age. Also, in the light of the sun, black spots on the body of the eider begin to shimmer with a copper tint.

In comparison with males, "ladies" are not so bright. Female (eider) - a bird that has a dark brown color of feathers. It does not have large white or green spots, which makes it similar to the usual representatives of ducks. Only in some places, the integrity of its color is disturbed by black and gray pigments, which, like ripples on the water, cover her body.

As for body weight, on average, the indices fluctuate within 2.2-2.5 kg. However, with a good diet, the eider can grow up to 3 kilograms.

Life cycle of birds

Gaga - a northern bird, but because, unlike other birds, always strives to stay in cool regions. And yet, with the arrival of the October frosts, it leaves the extreme borders of the North and travels to the south. But the fault is not the cold itself, but the changes that it brings. After a month after the first frosts, the sea is covered with a thick layer of ice, because of which the eider can no longer hunt the usual prey.

But where then does the eider winter? The bird (photos made by scientists, can confirm this) is moved as close as possible to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It is here, in her opinion, the best conditions for wintering.

However, there is one but. In recent times, due to climate change, the winters have become warmer. In this regard, the ducks more and more remain in place, refusing to fly anywhere.

How are the eider's families arranged?

Her love of cold is evident throughout her life. Probably, that's why they start flirting with each other just at the height of winter. Under the influence of hormones, the male begins to attract females, proudly nursing in front of them. And if any of them bite on it, then for a while they will become one happy family.

This union will continue after their return home. Here they together will equip themselves a nest in which the female will postpone up to 10 eggs. Immediately after that, she will start hatching them, which will take about four weeks. It is at this moment that the males fly back to the sea, leaving their beloved for good.

Unfortunately, some ducks barely survive the hatching period of eggs. After all, they can not stay out of the nest for a long time, because of what they start to starve. But as soon as the chicks hatch, Mom becomes much easier. Already on the second day after birth, babies begin to eat independently, and two months later reach the same weight as adults.

The most dangerous period of life

However, it should be noted that not all babies can survive to adulthood. It so happened that even in such desolate lands there are those who gladly regale with them. In particular, the main enemy of chicks is the seagull. This feathered beast never misses his chance to attack a child who has fled from the pack.

In addition to the gull, black crows and owls attack small ducks, although it does not happen so often. Among the four-legged enemies in the first place is the arctic fox. This fluffy animal and strives to catch a lone duck or attack from an ambush to the nest.

But, despite this, many eiders die not from the fangs of fox or the claws of crows. The fiercest enemy of these birds are small parasites. Climbed under the warm fluff, they begin to multiply rapidly, literally eating a poor animal from the inside.

What does the duck eat?

As for the eider herself, she is also a born hunter. Its hunting grounds are the ocean - it is there that it procures its livelihood. What is included in its diet?

The favorite delicacy of the northern duck are sea urchins and stars, as well as some crustaceans. For their sake, she is ready to dive to a depth of three meters, and if necessary, then even more. If you do not get a delicacy, you have to manage the usual fish or wild berries that grow in the district.

It should be noted that this duck does not chew on his food, but immediately swallows. After the belly is full, the eider finds a comfortable pebble and lies on it for a long time, digesting what was eaten.

People and birds

Gaga - a bird, a photo of which every Norwegian or Scandinavian learns. After all, here her feathers have long been used to create warm clothes and blankets. Even today, it is difficult to find a material that can compete with the eiderdown in thermal insulation properties.

But do not worry about the health of the birds. After all, feathers do not take from the birds themselves, but collect them along the shore where they live. Fortunately there are a lot of them, especially if you look in the abandoned nests of the eider.

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