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Lost and undeservedly forgotten. Slavic symbols

More and more historians agree that before the advent of Christianity there was a rich culture that educated a holistic, comprehensively developed person. And more and more people are interested in their true roots, which various conquerors tried to destroy. That's why the Slavic symbolism is a topic that should be studied more carefully. We need to revive it, restore it, propagate it.

Slavic symbolism is interesting, mysterious, unique. In magical signs-runes are classified the beliefs of our ancestors, their ideas about the structure of the world, its creation, about nature and man. They personified the connection of people and unearthly forces. With the help of symbols, they tried to protect themselves from disease, attract luck, wealth or love. Old Slavic amulets - ornaments, patterns, objects - helped the Gentile Slavs to communicate with otherworldly forces, were coded knowledge of the most important thing in life. They were not just signs, decorative elements, but carried in themselves the knowledge that was lost with the advent of the new religion.

Slavic symbolism goes back to paganism, that is, to the deification of the forces of nature and its phenomena. Our ancestors worshiped the land, water and fire, so almost all runes are associated with these elements. They were asked for help and protection, they put their hopes on them. For example, the earth, the field symbolized a rhombus, divided into parts, the swastika was a sign of fertility. Water was drawn in the form of wavy lines, and the fire was represented as an oblique cross and a thunder sign (a star with 6 or 8 rays). Also Slavs used images and figures of horseshoes, rainbows, the sun. These wards were located in the vulnerable places of the dwelling, they were applied to clothing and ornaments. It is the Slavic embroidery that is a tribute to the ancient philosophy that maintained order in the community.

Until now, in areas where Slavs lived, signs that have pagan roots are popular. People decorate the doors of the horseshoe, a skate or cock is installed on the roof, and the sun, a thunder sign, is depicted on the facade. In many places still believe in the existence of mermaids, forest maidens mammals, woodpeckers, water. Images Lada necessarily present in the house, and Mokoshi - on the economic buildings. But, of course, most sacred signs of ancestors were preserved in the form of patterns for embroidery. Blouses and shirts, ritual towels, towels, tablecloths and napkins are full of symbols that have come down to us from the depths of centuries.

Through the efforts of relatives the Slavic symbolism is being revived in the modern world. And every year, a native, but a forgotten culture finds more adherents. Of course, many signs are lost or tarnished by unworthy people. As a swastika, used by German nationalists of the Second World War, and in particular Hitler. However, this sign symbolizes the world's cycle, promises good, is a kind of wish for happiness. And not only the Slavs had such an opinion. A similar rune was from Indians, Vikings, Japanese Samurais, Aryans, Romans.

The symbols that served our ancestors can help us. Nobody says that they will bring about the fulfillment of all desires. But one thing they can do is to return the lost connection with their kind, to help us be proud of what our great-great-grandparents created.

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