
Liquid chair in a newborn: when it's worth worrying

When a "stork arrives" to the family and brings the baby, the parents and their loved ones immediately have a lot of trouble. Indeed, the newborn in the house is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility entrusted to all members of the family. As you know, many mothers are concerned that their baby is well eaten and recovered, sweetly asleep and not sick. But in the latter case, sometimes there are difficulties, which we'll talk about in more detail.

A liquid stool in a newborn is a common problem due to a number of reasons. Almost all the parents of young children face it. So, what triggers the upset of an unsettled digestion?

First of all, it should be clarified that the liquid stool in the baby can be due to malnutrition or the rejection of lactating women from the recommended diet. So, an apricot eaten by a mother, can be reflected by a significant violation of the stool of her child. However, there are also products that the child's body simply does not perceive, that is, he may have an acute allergic reaction to them, diarrhea will occur. In such cases, the attentive parent simply needs to carefully treat the baby's diet and remove all possible allergens from it, replacing them with more "safe" foods. In such clinical pictures, the liquid stool of a newborn is treated independently at home by correcting the habitual menu of the mother and child. However, in pediatrics are known and more serious cases of frustration of children's digestion.

A liquid stool in an infant may be triggered by an intestinal infection that has fallen from the outside into the body. In such cases, an abundant drink is shown to avoid dehydration and urgent consultation of the pediatrician.

However, before turning to a doctor, parents can themselves put a preliminary diagnosis, based on a visual examination of the feces of your baby. So, the liquid stool of a newborn with a clear presence of foam and an acid savor, the absence of mucus indicates a lactase deficiency. Liquid stool stools of dark color "talk" about the lack of milk, and the presence of mucus in them combined with increased anxiety of the baby cause suspicion of dysbiosis. Impurities in the feces of mucus, green and blood in combination with fever and vomiting are signs of an intestinal infection.

Each breastfeeding mother should know that the normal stool of the infant is like a mustard, both in color and consistency, and the amount of diarrhea varies from 2 to 5 times. The cause for concern should be a frequent loose stool in the newborn, accompanied by fever, nervousness, tearfulness and vomiting. In such cases, immediately call a doctor.

Before the arrival of the pediatrician, artificial lures should be completely eliminated, and the baby should be exclusively breastfed, which in turn contains protective immunoglobulins and productively replenishes the lost fluid in diarrhea. If the child is on artificial feeding, then, as an alternative, a lactose-free mixture should be used for his feeding.

Waiting for a specialist should also not engage in self-medication, since the main reason for such an abnormal reaction of the child's body is not yet fully revealed, and only the doctor can make a final diagnosis and determine the scheme of productive treatment.

It is important to remember that diarrhea can be avoided by regularly taking all the recommended preventive measures, but if diarrhea occurs, you should try to understand the cause of such an acute manifestation of the intestinal frustration on the calf feces seen in the diaper. In general, the correct and timely response of parents gives a positive clinical result.

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