Hobby, Needlework
Lessons of needlework: how to make a bookmark of paper with your own hands
Bookmarks should be in every house and not in one copy. The owner will need this accessory in order not to lose important recipes in the culinary books. A student in each textbook should also have a bookmark to quickly find pages with homework. And even very little ones can put this thing in a book with a favorite fairy tale or a beautiful picture. We suggest that you book bookmarks with the kids. It is not difficult to do this, especially since the most accessible and easy-to-use materials will be used in the work. Having studied our article, you will learn how to make a bookmark of paper with your own hands. The proposed options are placed according to the level of complexity of implementation: from the simplest to the more complex. Choose one that will be able to make you or your child.
Even this five-year-old kid can perform this version of the product. You will only need to look after that he uses the correct glue and scissors. How to make a bookmark of paper with your own hands in the form of a corner? It's simple.
- From the two-sided colored paper, cut the strip 5-6 centimeters wide.
- Fold the workpiece in half, mark the center and unfold.
- Perform the "corner". To do this, bend the right side of the strip towards yourself at the midpoint mark. In the same way, bend the left side of the product. An angle of 90 ° is obtained.
- Cut the bottom edge of the product directly or in a semicircle.
- From the inside of the craft, paste a small piece of paper, connecting the left and right halves of the product.
- Decorate the bookmark with an applique or a picture.
That's it, literally ten minutes and the corner for the book is ready.
Bookmark, made in origami technique
In order to make such an accessory, you will need paper and a few minutes of your time. How to make a bookmark from a paper by the origami method? Follow the step by step instructions.
- From paper cut a rectangle 10x14 centimeters in size.
- The left lower corner of the workpiece is bent to the very top and smooth with a hand.
- The upper left corner is bent in the same way to the underside of the product. The result is a detail with a left angle and two straight corners on the right.
- Corners of the right part of the product are bent to the left to the base of the triangle. Now the right side of the craft has the form of a trapezoid.
- The resultant "tail" is tucked inside the product (into the pocket).
- Smoothing hand all the folds and corners.
The bookmark-corner is complete! It can be decorated with stickers, drawings, applique.
The accessory for books, made of narrow colored strips of paper looks bright and beautiful. To carry it out, you need the following materials: solid two-sided colored paper, scissors, clerical knife, ruler, glue.
How to make a bookmark of paper with your own hands? Description of the manufacturing process
- From paper, cut a strip 6 cm wide and long by the size of the sheet.
- Mark with a pencil the vertical lines through every 1 centimeter.
- Put a ruler on the line and cut it with a clerical knife, stepping back from the top and not reaching the bottom by a centimeter. Thus, complete all the planned strips (there will be 5 of them). If the product is carried out by the child, then it is possible to cut with scissors. You will only need to help him cut each line.
- From paper of different colors, cut strips measuring 1x6 centimeters.
- Weave horizontally each of these blanks between the vertical strips of the main part, gluing the ends. Design this way the entire bookmark. It turns dense wicker.
Now you know how to make a bookmark yourself with paper. Such accessories are always useful to you and can be a good addition to the gift-book. Good results for you in needlework!
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