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How much should a child weigh in 1 year? Baby Weight Table

During the first year of the baby's life, the mother must visit the pediatrician on a monthly basis. You need to do this in order to know if the child is developing correctly. The doctor mainly draws attention to such indicators as height and weight. Deviations may indicate a developmental lag in the infant.

How much should a child weigh in 1 year?

The weight and height of the child is affected by a huge number of factors. In the first place it is heredity. Slim and low parents rarely appear large baby. There are some norms that determine the height and weight of the baby at a certain age. The data are indicative. Deviations should alert, but are not necessarily evidence of a child's illness.

Weight, kg

Height, cm


































































Each baby is unique. It can develop on its own schedule. It often happens that the child for a long time keeps the same weight and height, and then in just a few months ahead of his peers.

When should I worry?

Nutrition and genetics play a huge role in the development of the child. If my mother was plump when she was a child, and when she was a teenager she turned into a slender princess, her daughter is likely to wait the same. But if a thin child begins to gain weight quickly, there is something to think about.

The cause of excess weight can become a child's great love for sweets. Parents should monitor the baby's nutrition over the year. By this age the child is becoming more independent. He can take a candy when mom does not notice.

Excessive thinness should also become a warning signal. At the same time, the first thing to rely on is not the child's weight table at all. A combination of factors can be a stimulus to action. This is not only a small height and weight. If the baby does not eat well, sleeps a little and leads a sedentary lifestyle, it is worth asking the pediatrician for help.

Hormonal disbalance

It often happens that the child looks much older than their peers. The body mass index remains normal. For example, a child is 1 year old, and his height and weight correspond to a three-year-old. The cause of this situation can be a hormonal failure. Only a specialist can appoint competent treatment.

Problems with hormones can also cause the child to lag behind in development. At the same time , a child can not grow up to 65 cm in 1 year .

The kid is overweight

Increased body weight often have children who are on artificial feeding. The problem is solved already when the mother stops giving the child a mixture. Full food and walking walks do their job. The kid after a year starts to gain weight slowly enough, but its growth increases rapidly.

When breastfeeding, excess weight is a big rarity. An exception is the genetic factor. If parents have a large body weight, then the child will not be small. The increased weight of the baby in breastfeeding may also appear when he has not developed control of the nervous system over the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the child can eat almost without interruption.

Is it worth worrying?

Most of the problems with weight and height are far-fetched. It always seems to parents that the baby is undernourished or lagging behind his peers in development. In fact, how much a child should weigh in 1 year, the doctor will tell. If, in the expert's opinion, the baby develops completely normally, then there should be no cause for concern.

You can not use your meal to show your love for a child. Many parents, in order to please the baby, begin offering cakes and sweets to him from an early age. Meanwhile, these products not only contribute to the rapid collection of excess weight, but also can cause an allergic reaction. When a child is 1 year old, his meals should be full and correct. From sweets the kid should eat only dried fruits and homemade cookies.

The child refuses to eat

Often there are cases when the baby completely refuses to eat. There can be many reasons for this. For example, a disease, teething or simple whims. The result can be weight loss. For full development, a small person should eat well. The table of the child's weight, given at the beginning of the article, shows how much a one-year-old baby should have.

There are difficulties when the temperaments of the mother and the child do not coincide. Parents tend to feed their child as soon as possible to start doing household chores. The child does not always like it. He can specially chew food slowly or keep food in his mouth for a long time. The first thing you need to do to your mother is to calm down. To force a baby is in no case impossible. The result can be a complete refusal of nutrition.

Many mothers with a developed fantasy, who know how much a child should weigh in 1 year, come up with interesting tricks to feed their child. The kid, who already knows how to chew, can offer food, laid out in the form of favorite heroes. The sausage can be cut in the shape of an octopus. Such food is sure to arouse the interest of the child, and he will eat up to the last crumbs.

Fresh air is the key to successful development

Children are very dependent on the environment. 1 year of life is fundamental. At this time, the immunity of the child is formed, as well as his life preferences. At the earliest age, parents must form a love for the child for nature and the world around them. Daily walks in the open air should become an indispensable element of development.

Almost all mothers know how much a child should weigh in 1 year. But how many a kid should spend in the fresh air of time, not everyone understands. Planning a walk is necessary, relying on weather conditions. In summer you can walk as long as you like. In winter, it will be enough for several hours of outdoor activity.

Postpone the trip to the street is necessary only if the baby is sick. Contraindication in the first place is high fever. Do not go outdoors in wet weather if the child coughs. Sunny weather will go to the kid only for the good.

Street - this is a great place for fun games and development. For a walk with yourself, you must grab your favorite toys and a ball. Let the baby sports for fun!

We do morning exercises

The growth of a child in 1 year largely depends on his physical activity. Parents already from an early age should teach the baby to do morning exercises. Simple exercises contribute not only to the physical, but also to the mental development of a small person. He becomes more mobile and active.

Specialists have developed a special set of exercises that children over the age of the year can easily accomplish with the help of their parents. Charging involves flexing and extension of hands, squats, exercises with a gymnastic stick, etc. Morning exercises are approved by Dr. Komarovsky. A child of 1 year is happy to perform exercises with parents. Especially like the kids classes with a special gymnastic ball. Exercises perfectly train in children a sense of balance, and also have a positive effect on the development of the spine. All exercises should be performed very carefully so that the child does not get injured.

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