Sports and Fitness, Equipment
Lantern-elektroshoker 1102: description, reviews
In turbulent times, each person wants to protect himself as much as possible from thieves, robbers and stray animals. An excellent solution to this issue will be an electroshock 1102, which has no analogues in terms of its efficiency in the market. Its uniqueness lies in the possibility of removing the battery, which can easily be replaced and in the presence of a metal case that is particularly strong.
Features and functions
The flashlight-electric shock is a universal product that is capable of performing two functions simultaneously. This device is equipped with a powerful lantern that is built into it. The power of the latter is 180 lumens.
The 1102 is supplied complete with a 220 V charger and a car battery.
The main advantage of this self-defense device is a removable battery, which can easily be replaced with a new one. A fairly successful solution for such a device was an incredibly durable metal case, which is not afraid of bumps and falls.
Construction and structure
Lantern-elektroshoker 1102 was created in the likeness of the previous model "Sherkhan 1101". It differs from its progenitor in the renewed, improved type of arrester. Such devices are equipped with one or two pairs of combat electrodes. It should be noted that the spherical variety of corona-type electrodes is superior to all current models of shockers in the market in terms of current transfer efficiency. Thanks to this innovative development, the area of contact between the device and the victim's body has significantly increased. This condition significantly reduces the likelihood and possibility of misfires and improves the efficiency of the device.
Intended use of the device
Flashlight-electroshock is an amazing solution for those personalities who are worried about safety and do not seek to attract the extra attention of others. Thanks to this design move, as a metal case, the device from the outside is very difficult to distinguish from the usual flashlight. The discharge voltage is 50,000,000 volts, it allows to neutralize and neutralize absolutely any opponent.
- The dimensions of the device are 185x35 mm.
- Shock power - 95 Watts.
- The charging of the 1101 ElectroShocker comes from a 3.7V high power battery and 3200mhA.
- It performs the functions of a powerful LED flashlight in 500W.
- The thickness of clothing that can be pierced by the device is 55 mm.
- Relatively small weight for a product with similar functions - 220 g.
- The lantern is equipped with a built-in fuse.
- The device is equipped with spherical electrodes, which have a coronary structure.
- The product, in the absence of operation, is able to discharge only 10% per month.
- The kit includes an adapter for a European outlet.
- Packaging with the device has a rather attractive, gift-like appearance.
- The Scorpion 1102 electric scooter does not need maintenance or repair.
Unique Features
Such a device, like a Police Electroshocker, is made in a metal casing and it is visually difficult to distinguish it from a similar luminous product. He performs the functions of not only a shocker, but also a powerful flashlight for police purposes. This device is armed with Chinese law enforcement agencies.
The lantern is equipped with a function that affects the organs of the human eye. This is due to a narrowly focused light flux of powerful action, which can easily blind anyone, regardless of the period of the day. In the evening, its action can provoke a complete blindness of a person, for an interval of at least 10 minutes. This time is quite enough for the further use of the electric shocker and neutralization of the opponent. It should be noted that similar in functionality models of devices are used not only in police structures, but also during hunting, thanks to the ability to shine through shrubs and trees.
Original model and its complete set
- Packaging must contain a serial number that absolutely matches the barcode on the box.
- Presence of the Russian-speaking instruction.
- Electroshock 1102 is packed in the finest airtight film. In no case shall the implementation of such devices be allowed in open or printed form.
- The presence of a specialized protective hologram, which is located under a sealed film, on which the model, its characteristics and year of manufacture are indicated.
- The warranty card provides maintenance of the device for 5 years.
How to distinguish a fake from the original product: the characteristics and features
- Low cost, which often differs by 30% or more from a proprietary analog.
- A similar name that does not match the original marking.
- A clear sign of a fake is the absence of a serial number on the very electric shock or its mismatch with the packaging bar code.
- If the packaging does not contain an inscription, characteristics or release date, then the product is counterfeit.
- The leakage of the package also indicates a falsification.
- The presence of stickers with Chinese characters is a direct proof of a substandard counterfeit.
- Among the falsified copies of the device you can find inscriptions "Police" or "20 000 kv", which indicate the low quality of shockers.
Electro-shocker 1102: customer reviews. Pros and cons of the device
According to numerous customer reviews, the Police Electroshocker flashlight, Model 1102, is a real wand that will save both robbers and scare all dogs in the neighborhood. It impresses with its strength, functionality and reliability. It is quite robust to shock loads. A flashlight from a harmless luminous device can easily become a means of self-defense, which has a fairly powerful spectrum of action and is capable of even killing a person.
In addition to its amazing functionality, the electric shock has such advantages as an enhanced removable battery and a slow discharge of the latter. This device amazingly copes with stray dogs, which from one sound of electric discharge press their ears, tails and run away.
It is necessary to note the excellent quality of metal, as well as the tremendous insulation of the housing from electricity, which does not allow it to hit a person even in bad weather conditions.
In addition to the advantages of this versatile device, from the point of view of customers, has a number of shortcomings. Among the latter it is necessary to include its size, which is quite large for a women's handbag. Among the minuses of the product and the lack of a fuse, as well as the possibility of freezing the battery at low temperatures, which affects its further performance. The instruction of the electric shocker that comes with the kit does not have a Russian version, but this nuance can be easily corrected with the help of an online translator.
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