Sports and FitnessEquipment

"Stealth Pilot 710" - compact and reliable

Today, an important role in choosing a bicycle is its compactness and the possibility of folding. This model of the vehicle, like the Stealth Pilot 710, is a vivid example of an impeccable appearance, the highest reliability and incredible maneuverability. Thanks to this stunning property of the frame, like folding, the bike easily turns into a compact device that fits perfectly in the trunk of a car, a pantry or on the balcony.

Briefly about the brand

The legendary Stels company has Russian roots. She is an acknowledged favorite among buyers and the leader in the number of sales of bicycle products. The staff of the brand's employees reaches 400 people, who are professionals in their field and highly qualified specialists.

Significant for the trademark was 1990. It was during this period that the brand, founded by the Nachevkin brothers, appeared on the world stage. All products of the company are produced exclusively in Russian factories using the details of foreign brands. All the products of the label are certified. The favorite among the brand's products is the bicycle "Stealth Pilot 710", which meets all the requirements of customers.


The bike "Stealth Pilot 710" is foldable oriented to the teen age category and women. This bike is amazing for fans of moderation and compactness. The vehicle is a small copy of an adult bike model.

The main advantages of the "Stealth Pilot 710" model are multifunctionality, compactness, reliability and excellent quality. The frame of the bicycle is made of high-quality steel, and also has an individual feature, which is a folding mechanism. The vehicle has protective wings that are able to prevent the ingress of mud spray in bad weather. It should be noted that each product of this model is equipped with a convenient trunk with a clip and a functional bell.

Main characteristics

  • The size of the wheels is 24 inches.
  • The vehicle frame has a standard size of 16 inches.
  • Frame material - stainless steel.
  • Number of speeds - 1.
  • The front fork has a steel interpretation.
  • The steering column and the carriage are made of alloy steel of the highest quality.
  • The braking system is represented by its foot variation.
  • Wheel rims have an aluminum interpretation.
  • Wings of the vehicle are made of stainless steel.
  • The material of the bicycle pedals is plastic.
  • Luggage compartment - steel.

Price policy

Excellent quality and democratic value make the bicycle "Stealth Pilot 710" one of the leading models of vehicles among competitors. The price of a bicycle varies from 6 150 to 11 400 rubles, which indicates an incredible availability of a vehicle for the masses.

"Stealth Pilot 710": customer reviews. Positive and negative moments

According to buyers, the vehicle is very high quality and reliable. Its main advantages were excellent maneuverability, lightness, and also an amazing appearance. Long operation of a bicycle does not provoke breakages, thanks to timely lubrication, tightening of bolted connections, pumping of tires and other cosmetic procedures.

Quite convenient for users is the ability to adjust the vehicle components such as the steering wheel and seat. The main advantage of the bicycle is its compactness in the folded form: it can easily fit on the balcony, in public transport or in the car trunk.

To the disadvantages of this model's bicycle, from the point of view of buyers, it is necessary to attribute the imperfect structure of the chain and its insufficient tension, as a result of which it quite often flies.

An unpleasant moment is also a rather inconvenient trunk, which provides not very reliable fixation of cargo. As a consequence of abuse or regular exploitation of the footboard, the spring often stretches out, and the mechanism becomes unfit for not following its immediate functions.

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