Food and drinkRecipes

Kissel from oat flakes - Russian isotovskiy balm

Oat flakes, which are often called "Hercules", are a very useful product. Dishes from them help get rid of many diseases and improve the body as a whole. A special oatmeal is a special oatmeal. This miracle drink was created by Dr. Izotov, taking as a basis the recipes of our ancestors.

After all, in the 16th century oatmeal was one of the popular dishes of Russian folk cuisine and was considered a good remedy for the treatment of the spleen, which at that time was called "spleen." But over time, the old recipe was forgotten. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, the virologist V. Izotov studied the ancient recipe and, having improved it a little, suggested that it be regularly used as a miracle cure for all people. Kissel from oat flakes is known in the West as "Russian balsam" and is especially popular among those who take care of their health. After all, taking it regularly, you can first of all cure of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the drink contains valuable lactic acid bacteria. Its use also gives a surge of strength, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and skin. How to cook a jelly from oatmeal? To do this, you must first make a concentrate, from which then the drink will be brewed.

Preparation of concentrate

  1. Take a jar with a capacity of 5 liters and pour in it 3 liters of boiled water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees.
  2. In the jar, pour the croup "Hercules" (500 grams) and pour in kefir (100 grams). Close the lid, wrap it and put it in a warm place (for example, near the battery). Within 24-36 hours will go fermentation.
  3. Then filter through a large strainer or colander (the diameter of the holes is not more than 2 mm) into another five-liter jar. The thick, collected in the filter, stirring intensively, rinse with running cold water. The resulting solution in the jar should consist of 1 part dense mass and 3 parts liquid.
  4. Leave the filtered mass in the sump for 16-18 hours. After that, it will split into two levels: the upper one - liquid, the lower one - loose. Carefully remove the upper part with a tube. The remaining bottom layer is oat concentrate.
  5. Pour the solution over smaller containers and place in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for no more than 21 days.

Preparation of jelly

It should be noted that the proposed recipe may vary depending on your taste. Over time, regularly preparing a drink, you will find the proportion that suits you most.

  1. Take 5-10 tablespoons of concentrate and stir in cold water (500 ml).
  2. On low heat, continuously stirring with a wooden spoon, cook for five minutes until thick.
  3. Add cream, olive or sunflower oil and a little salt. Kissel is ready!

It is recommended to take in a warm form for breakfast along with black bread. Izotov's oatmeal is included in the menu of a variety of diets for health and weight loss.

Weekly diet on oat flakes and buckwheat

The essence of this diet is that you are allowed to eat mostly only soaked or steamed "Hercules" and buckwheat groats. Sometimes used boiled porridge with the addition of fruits and honey and jelly from oat flakes. With such a diet you will lose a week to five or seven kilograms. This diet is quite tough, since you can not eat a lot of allowed foods at all desire. Therefore, before you risk trying this method of cleansing your body, you need a doctor's consultation. To begin with, try to make one day a week unloading, following the rules of the diet.

Eat meals prepared according to folk recipes! It's tasty and useful!

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