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Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy at a later date

Interruption of pregnancy in later terms can not be carried out at any request of the patient, because it can lead to serious consequences. Carrying out this procedure unofficially creates a threat not only to health, but also to the life of a woman. But there are cases when doctors are forced to do so-called surgical abortion on medical indicators.

Since at a period of more than 20 weeks, all the many processes of the child's life are already formed, so many people perceive the termination of pregnancy at a later date, like killing a baby. But is it possible to judge so cruelly if there are pathologies that threaten life. As a rule, such a radical method as surgical abortion is resorted to only as a last resort. These include serious deviations of the physical or moral state of a woman or pathology in the development of the fetus.

The timing of termination of pregnancy affects the definition of the procedure. There are three options for abortion:

  1.       Surgical abortion
  2.       Artificial premature delivery
  3.       Partial Birth

The first method involves expanding the cervix and removing the fetus with a special tool. It is impossible to remove all parts from one time, so the uterus is cleaned of residues with the help of vacuum aspiration. Such a procedure is performed under the influence of general anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. If complications occur, the duration of the operation increases, for example, if bleeding starts. This operation is scheduled in the second trimester and not later.

The interruption of pregnancy at a later date can be accomplished with the help of partial birth. This method is characterized by a long process of implementation, since it is performed on average over 3 days. First of all, the specialist expands the cervix, after which a special tool pulls the fetus behind the leg, and only the body gets. Then with the scissors the body separates from the head. At the next stage, through the vagina, a tube is inserted into the head of the fetus, with which the brain is sucked. The cranial box, after such manipulation, decreases in size and becomes easier to remove, this is also done through the suction tube. Typically, the appointment of such a procedure is quite rare, around the third trimester.

Termination of pregnancy in the late term by the method of artificial delivery is carried out in exceptional cases and extremely rare. A special drug is injected into the woman's body, which stimulates the walls of the uterus to actively reduce. In this case, the amniotic fluid is filled with saline solution, which mortally affects the embryo.

For each of these procedures, there should be significant reasons for a significant period. In general, indications for abortion are either medical or social. Medical indications are the presence of pathologies in the mother or the future baby. For example, if a woman has a serious illness that affects the child's development, for example, rubella, then the termination of pregnancy is mandatory. Or, if a fetus is diagnosed with cerebral palsy or fetal disease, they also resort to a surgical abortion.

But there are situations when pregnancy is normal, but the woman is not ready to leave the child and wants to get rid of it even at a later date. Then a special commission is assembled who listens to the reasons why the woman wants such an intervention, and decide on the expediency of the procedure. For example, a serious social cause is considered to be the most severe depressive state due to the fact that a man broke up with a woman because of pregnancy.

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