
Is it a can of massage? - The reviews are impressive!

Sometimes there is no money for visiting beauty salons and specialized masseurs. What can we do in this case, because we always want to look beautiful and fit, even in times of financial crisis? In this case, the way out of the situation will be massage of the body with special cans.

What is a can massage, reviews about which have long filled the Internet with their positive? This is a massage performed with the help of special jars made of glass or silicone, inside of which a vacuum is created. Banks, depending on the goal and the desired result, you can move in different directions or leave some time on the spot. As a result of irritation of the deep layers of the skin and pain receptors, unnecessary substances contained in excess fatty tissue are removed from the body. In the process of such a procedure as can massage, reviews about which are positive, the circulation of lymph, blood and interstitial fluid improves and speeds up, as a result of which edema and stagnation appear, the skin tightens, and immunity improves.

In what cases will the use of cans for massage help? Catarrhal diseases, bronchitis, pressure problems, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other neurological diseases, arthritis, chronic pelvic and intestinal diseases, various injuries, as well as cellulite and obesity. Contraindications to the use of cans for massage are tumors, inflammatory phenomena in the body, fever, heart disorders, various diseases and skin lesions, the presence of allergies, blood and bile duct disease, pregnancy and post-partum (3 months), and after Abortion. Banks can not be placed on the kidneys, hearts, spine and mammary glands.

How to make a can massage? Feedback about this procedure is always positive, since the entire session does not cause much trouble - everything is quite easy and simple. So, let's start - for the beginning we will apply a massage massage or any other oil. Now take the jar, squeeze it on both sides with your fingers and apply it to the skin. It is better that the bank draws in itself the skin to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Now begin to gently and gently mix the jar in different directions until the formation of persistent reddening of the skin. Usually it takes from three to ten minutes. If there are strong pain, then it is better to weaken the force of applying the can or reduce the speed of moving it over the skin. Massage your skin in this way in one to two days. After the third procedure you will notice the effect.

How does the can of massage, the reviews of which impress with their optimism? As a result, it improves blood supply and metabolism in the massaged areas, breaks down and gradually eliminates fat deposits, improves the condition of the skin, vessels and other internal tissues. Noticeable relaxation and mild drowsiness after massage indicate that the procedure did not go just so, and the process of positive effects on the body is started. After the can massage, the mobility and flexibility of the vessels and ligaments are also restored.

With the help of cans, you can massage the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, sides and other problem areas. After all, these parts of the body are the most susceptible to cellulite and stagnant phenomena. If everything is done correctly, then a canful massage of the abdomen will give good results . Comments of women who tried this procedure on themselves, usually in a positive way. Many of them defeated cellulite in just a few sessions and improved the appearance of their tummies, legs and buttocks.

Here such miracles creates an anti-cellulite massage. Reviews about him - always good! Do not believe me? - check for yourself!

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