Bykhov is an ancient Belorussian city located on the banks of the Dnieper, near the place where the Mokranka River flows into it. For the first time, a settlement with the name "The Bychov Yard" is mentioned in historical sources dating from 1393. Despite its ancient history today it is an ordinary provincial city, which would hardly have been popular with tourists, if not for the main local attraction - Bykhov Castle.
A stone citadel is to be!
In the middle of the 16th century, Bykhov was the center of the old district and was ruled by the great king of Poland and the prince of Lithuania, Zhigimonont I. At that time, there already existed in the city a wooden fortress protected by an earthen rampart and defensive towers. After some time, the son of Zhiguimont I Augustus granted the city with a wooden castle to the Lithuanian hetman Jan Khodkevich. The new owner was called "Count on Bykhov" and very soon he encountered an unforeseen problem. Neighbors began to attack the city more often, and once they even managed to capture a wooden fortress. And then it was decided to strengthen the city and build a new, stone fortification structure. Bykhov Castle was built in the 16th century, its internal area was 75 x 70 meters. The high fortified walls and the deep ditch made the fortress unassailable. In 1621-1625 Bykhov passed into the possession of the Sapieha family. New owners immediately rebuild the castle, increasing its area. Inside there is a real palace, outbuildings, a lifting bridge is being built at the entrance gates.
The former greatness of the castle in Bykhov
After the perestroika of the Sapegami citadel, Bykhov Castle had three defensive towers and one entrance tower. For a long time this fortress was considered one of the most impregnable in its region. On the territory of the castle there was always a large number of servicemen, there was no shortage of weapons and combat vehicles. However, the owners of the citadel did not forget about comfort. The built palace had two floors, on the first there were office premises, and on the second - residential quarters and halls for celebrations. Significant role of the castle in Bykhov and in the war between the Russian state and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the second half of the XVII). The fortress passed several times from hand to hand, once its defense lasted 18 months. In 1830-1831, the castle became the property of the Russian treasury through its confiscation from the previous owners - the genus Ganere.
Turning a Great Fortress into Ruins
The modern history of the citadel in Bykhov is sad. In the middle of the XIX century, the castle, belonging to the Russian Empire, is losing its strategic importance. In different years the fortress was used as a prison and military barracks. At the same time, the fortress walls and internal structures of the castle were not properly monitored, and this structure was not recognized as a monument of architecture, as a result of which the once great Bykhov castle collapsed and collapsed. Recently, in the territory of the ancient landmarks there were production workshops. In 2004, there was a fire, after which the fortress, which was before the incident in not the best condition, was badly damaged. Today, these are orphan ruins, which can collapse at any time. But in fact we have in front of us a significant architectural monument of the 16th-17th centuries.
Bykhov Castle: description of the sights today
Today many tourists traveling around Belarus come to the town of Bykhov. Many of them wish to see with their own eyes the ruins of an ancient fortress. To once a majestic stronghold today do not lead organized tours. Until now, only a few towers, the walls of the palace and the outbuildings have survived here. All listed objects are in a terrible state, in some places the ceilings and vaulted ceilings have already collapsed, in other places they are about to collapse. But in spite of all this, if there is a possibility, one should definitely see with his own eyes Bykhov Castle. The history of the citadel remembers moments of greatness and prosperity, as well as days of defeat and decline. Perhaps, today's state of the castle is just another not the best period, and very soon the ancient walls are waiting for a magnificent rebirth?
Is it planned to restore?
Today the stronghold in Bykhov is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. Regularly, various funds and public organizations raise the issue of the need for urgent restoration of the architectural monument. To date, the fortress is in a sorry state, it seems that very soon fragments of walls and watchtowers will collapse. Restoration work does not begin because of the lack of a material base for their conduct. However, some work on this issue has already begun. Very soon, conservation will be carried out - a series of events, thanks to which Bykhov Castle (Belarus) can be preserved in today's state. This procedure is mandatory in order to prevent further destruction of the object.
Reviews of tourists who have visited Bykhov Castle
Despite the fact that from the majestic stronghold of the past centuries today there are only dilapidated walls, the ruins of the fortress are very popular among tourists. Many people on their trip to Belarus specially come here to inspect Bykhov Castle. Sightseeing of Bykhov, which can be seen today, except for the destroyed fortress - the synagogue (also in an abandoned state) and an old wooden church (in our days). But nevertheless the local castle leaves in memory the most vivid impressions. Walking among its ancient walls, you can enjoy a special atmosphere and feel the breath of the past eras. What is especially important, finding a castle is not difficult, it is located on the outskirts of the city and any local resident will tell you the way.