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Interesting lesson: how to draw an autumn bouquet

Do you like flowers and dream to decorate the interior with a picture of your own production? On the question of how to draw an autumn bouquet, you can answer - quite simply. You just need to know the sequence of actions and the characteristics of different materials and techniques.

Which is better: drawing from nature or a copy of the finished picture

If you are not very well versed in the field of artistic creativity, act by the methods of beginners. Do not undertake a task that is too complicated. In case of failure, your creative inspiration may disappear.

First of all, decide how to draw an autumn bouquet: from a photo, a finished sample or from nature. If this is your initial experience, stop on the first or second option. When you really want to depict exactly those flowers that stand on a table in a vase, take a picture of them, and then work with it. It is easier for a beginner to analyze a flat image than a volumetric composition.

In addition, you can use a special grid, which allows you to keep the proportions of objects. This is done as follows:

  1. On a transparent film the size of the original image, draw vertical and horizontal lines at a certain distance, for example, 1 cm. The smaller this length, the more accurate the picture will be.
  2. Apply a grid to the sample or photo.
  3. See how the outlines of flowers and leaves cross the cells.
  4. On your paper, where a cell of any size is also drawn, try to repeat the direction of the lines.

With this method, you do not have to think about how to draw an autumn bouquet of a larger size than in a photograph. The way to create contours on a grid allows you to scale objects by increasing or decreasing your sketch relative to the original.

Technique of execution

It is worth considering not only how to draw an autumn bouquet of flowers, but also to choose the suitable material for work. Very well allows you to convey the natural beauty of the creations of nature painting with watercolor on a raw sheet of special paper. The paint spreads, creating magnificent transitions of shades, which in another way is difficult to obtain.

Effectively look in the interior of the panel in the style of batik. This is drawing on fabric. Professionals use silk, a beginner can try a cheap option with cotton, but still need to buy special paints, reserving the composition and clearly observe the technology of working with them.

If you do not feel like dealing with color, you can create a beautiful graphic picture with a simple simple pencil. It is easy enough to draw with pastels, wax crayons.

It is difficult without experience to paint with oil on canvas, but in this case you will feel like a real artist. In addition, now you can buy ready-made primed canvases and paints in small tubes of one color. The first will save time, the second - money. In a word, everything depends on your imagination, desire and perseverance.

Is it necessary to outline the contour for watercolor or oil?

You can choose any technique of work, but in any case you will have to figure out how to draw an autumn bouquet in pencil. Professional artists with great practical experience often begin to paint with no preliminary marking of the proportions of objects. This method is not recommended for beginners. To get a qualitative result that will please you, draw carefully all pencil contours. After that, calmly start working with any selected material.

What if you never painted flowers

Do not feel confident in your abilities? Are you afraid to start? It will greatly facilitate the process of creating a bouquet on a sheet of paper using simplified images of objects. You can even use ready-made templates. Print out the samples, transfer the individual flowers through the glass, collect their own composition from them, paint in the necessary technique. Stylized, schematic images look good, for example, on decorative panels in batik technique.

How to draw an autumn bouquet to a child

If you need to come up with an exciting lesson for the baby, painting with colors is suitable for this purpose. Drawing garden flowers, inventing fantastic, non-existent, very like children. You can offer the child to color a ready-made bouquet. Preschooler with pleasure will combine all kinds of shades, using not only pencils and brushes. In the course will go all the tools, even fingers. A fun time will be provided to you.

Practical work: how to draw an autumn bouquet in stages

Whichever version of the composition of flowers you choose, the principles of drawing will be the same. Any items are performed from general outlines to details. Consider a step-by-step instruction on an example of a simplified image of flowers for a vase.

Remember that any object should harmoniously fit into the sheet format, be proportional. Do not place the items too close to the edges. A very small object on a large sheet also looks ugly. Be sure to consider these rules when organizing the space of a picture. The sequence of stages of the bouquet creation is as follows:

1. Outline the overall shape of the composition and each flower separately.

2. Draw the inner parts of each element.

3. Details the image.

4. Add the leaves for more naturalness.

5. Outline the stems.

6. Show streaks and other small elements.

7. When the contour drawing is completely ready, you can proceed to fill it with color.

Now you know how to draw an autumn bouquet in stages. The main thing - remember that with any technique of performing a layman, it is better to always make a preparatory contour image of the object. Each time, follow the sequence of actions, then you will get the result that will please you.

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