
Indoor flower cyclamen

The indoor flower cyclamen belongs to the family of primrose plants, its homeland is Asia Minor and the countries of Central and Southern Europe. Also, in the form of a wild flower, it grows in the regions of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Cyclamen flowers are perennial herbaceous plants that have tuberous rhizomes. Externally, the flower is very beautiful and compact enough and has dark green leaves, resembling a heart shape, with silvery divorces, gathering in a basal rosette. Cyclamen has about 60 varieties, and today one can find the plant not only in its usual form, but also in miniature forms.

Cyclamens indoor in the flowering period have small flowers of no more than five centimeters in length. They are located on a thin peduncle, which rises above the beautiful leaves. The height of the flower spike reaches no more than thirty centimeters, and if it is a dwarf cyclamen, its flower spike will not exceed a length of fifteen centimeters.

Cyclamen flowers usually have white, pink, red and purple colors, which often complement different shades. In shape they resemble a butterfly. The main part of the flower is tilted downwards, and the petals are directed to the top.

We are often accustomed to seeing indoor cyclamen plants (usually a hybrid of the Persian cyclamen), which are generally similar to each other. But there are enough decorative varieties with some differences. As a rule, they differ in large, medium and very small forms, they also have different sizes of flowers and, accordingly, different colors. By the way, there are cyclamen, whose flowers have a smell, but there are species that do not have a smell.

The indoor flower of the cyclamen blossoms, as a rule, in the winter, and in the summer it rests, staying at rest. Smell the flowers do not, but this does not apply to the miniature forms of the species Puppet and Kaori, which has a strong odor. Tuberous rhizomes have roots, in the lower part of which daughter tubers are absent. But, for example, the European cyclamen bloom period, on the contrary, falls for the summer, and winter for him is a period of rest. The root is almost the same, but the difference is the roots, which grow not only in the root region, but also around the perimeter of the whole tuber. In addition to this feature of the cyclamen of Europe, when breeding, you can use its daughter tubers, which he additionally starts up.

Growing indoor flower cyclamen will not make much effort. If you adhere to the basic principles of care, its flowering will be long enough and plentiful. He needs bright, cool rooms with an optimal temperature regime, which should not exceed seventeen degrees. Higher temperatures can dramatically shorten the period in which the plant can bloom. After cyclamen fades, it must be transferred to a shaded room with cool air. The pot should be laid on its side and stopped watering. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the earth and to ensure that it does not dry up. The Persian cyclamen can be in this state until the middle of July.

Indoor flower cyclamen in the flowering period, which usually lasts two months, should receive a copious amount of water, but try not to get watered on the middle part of the root, on the base of the leaves and buds. It is best to place the pot on a tray of water. The plant can be periodically fertilized. It is necessary to plant a flower, which is best organized in autumn, when tubers will give new leaves, into new soil, to which leaf and sod land, peat and sand should be added in proportion 2 - 2 - 2 - 1. The indoor cyclamen flower should be planted, In the soil to a half of its height, and top cover with ordinary moss. So more new leaves will appear.

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