News and Society, Nature
Immortelle sandy - healer of the liver
The Latin name of immortelle (cumin) of sandy - Helichrysum arenarium, comes from three words "helio" - the sun, "chrysanthus" - gold, "arenarium" - sandy. As it sounds beautiful - the sun is golden sand. And you can do it differently: gold is sunny sand. Look closely at the flower immortelle - it's a little golden sun, growing on sandy soil. So useful immortals! Flowers are turned into a powder, from which a medical preparation is made - flamin. Indeed, immortelle is gold for people with liver problems. There are also other names for the immortelle: simple and exact - a dried flower, and affectionate - cat's paws.
For the treatment, flowers are used, which are collected from the beginning of June to the end of July, until the flower baskets are fluffed. In its flowers the immortelle sand contains saponins, flavonoid glycosides, aglycones, sugars, essential oil, coloring and tannins, vitamins C and K, carotene, resins and fatty acids, microcomponents in the form of potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron salts.
Sandless immortelle is used in phytospores for diseases of the gallbladder, inflammation of the bile duct and liver diseases (jaundice, cholangitis and cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis). Use immortelle with dropsy and some skin diseases (they bathe in the broth of flowers with pustules, lichen, diathesis). Immortelle is included in the collection of medicinal herbs for the treatment of papillomatosis in the bladder, gastritis of anacid.
It is established that in 3-4 days after the beginning of treatment the immortelle's decoction stops vomiting and nausea, the feeling of heaviness in the under-lobe region, pain in the liver, normalizes the skin color and eye proteins.
Contraindications: do not take drugs immortelle for those who have high blood pressure, gastritis with high acidity. Applying the immortelle for treatment, you should strictly follow the indicated dosage, since the immortelle sandy though it is low in toxicity, but its toxins accumulate in the body, the maximum duration of treatment is immortelle 10 days.
Decoction in cholelithiasis: you need 7 parts of yarrow (grass with flowers) to take 4 parts of immortelle flowers and 3 parts of jealous root - grind the ingredients and mix. In a glass of boiling water, brew a mixture of 1 tbsp. L., insist, drink at 1 reception in the evening.
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