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Igor Lagutin: biography, filmography, photo. Family actor

Igor Lagutin is an actor who owes his popularity to the series "Code of Honor", in which he played the commando of Pastukhov. He is distinguished by the demand for roles, is laid out completely when creating each new image, for which he is appreciated by directors. Fame came to this man at the age of "thirty", before that they knew about him only in theatrical circles. What interesting details are known about the creative path of a wonderful artist, his personal life?

Igor Lagutin: biography of the star

The native city of the star is Minsk, where he was born in 1964. The mother and father of the boy achieved significant success in the field of medicine, his father even once headed the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus. Of course, they dreamed of seeing the child as a continuer of their business, at the very least they represented him as a lawyer. However, Igor Lagutin was not interested in these professions.

From an early age the boy liked to draw attention to himself, with pleasure participated in the creative life of the school. It is not surprising that by the end of the training, the desire to become an actor was born in him. The dream had to be postponed for the duration of the service in the army. Then Igor Lagutin succumbed to the persuasion of his mother and father and tried to become a student of the Faculty of Law. However, at the entrance exams the guy failed. Parents had to allow the heir to go to Moscow.

Igor Lagutin too long cherished the dream of a creative profession, to surrender to the will of fate. Once in the capital of the Russian Federation, the guy became an entrant at once several theatrical high schools, as a result was admitted to the "Pike". The theater entered his life in the days of the students. Igor's first bright role was in the play "Zoykina apartment", in which he got a character like Ametistov.

Starring role

Lagutin's debut in the movie happened in 1992, then he played the main character in the drama "In the beginning was the word", shot by Solomin. However, for several years after that, he ignored castings of films, improved acting skills, speaking first at the Vakhtangov Theater, and then at the Satire Theater.

The series "Code of Honor" became the first TV project, Igor Lagutin agreed to participate in the shootings after a long break. The filmography of the young man acquired a series in which he played his famous commando of Pastukhov. This role was offered to the actor directly by the director of the show, who was impressed by his performance in the play "Krechinsky's Wedding". Curious fact - in the series there was a small role for Igor's son, Arseny.

The success of the series from the audience made the director take off the sequel, in which Lagutin also appeared.

Best movies and TV shows

Igor does not belong to the number of actors who are disdainful of "soap operas". On the role in quality television projects, he gladly agrees. His next experience of cooperation with the director of the "Code of Honor" took place when he invited Igor to play the battalion commander in his new project. The series "Color of the Nation" also fell in favor of the audience, has acquired a lot of fans. The actor after that for a long time could not get rid of the role of a brave commando.

Of course, Lagutin has also been played by heroes who have nothing to do with the army. For example, the image of the Odessa actor, created by him in the film "I gave everything to the song," was brilliant. The plot of the picture revolves around the famous Utyosov, to whom Igor's character helps to find a place in life and succeed. I also remembered his audience Rokossovsky, whom the actor played in the tape "Love for you, as a disaster."

Personal life

The work is not everything that Igor Lagutin attaches great importance to, the family also plays a huge role in the life of the star. The chosen actress was a girl named Oksana, a representative of the same profession as him. The actress can be seen on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater, she is famous in theatrical circles. Also, the audience can remember Lagutin's wife on the TV series "Airport".

Igor and Oksana bring up two children. The son of a star couple dreams of following in the footsteps of his parents. The boy can already be called an experienced artist, he managed to appear not only in the Code of Honor, but also in other TV projects, for example, "Always Say Always."

This is how the most interesting facts about the life of such a famous creative personality as Igor Lagutin look. Photo of the star can be seen in the article.

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