EducationSecondary education and schools

How to write an essay-reasoning or Help to a future graduate

"How to write an essay-reasoning?" - this is exactly the question that worries a huge number of future graduates throughout the Russian Federation. I do not argue, not everyone is delighted with the new system of assessing the USE knowledge, but still you should not hope that it will be canceled in the very near future, so you will have to prepare.

For those who expect to get high scores, writing an essay-reasoning will be necessary, and it will not be possible to do without it.

In my article-instruction, I tried to sketch out all the basic steps that will definitely help the graduate get the necessary 100 points for the exam.

So, how to write an essay-reasoning GIA and USE on "excellent."

Step-by-step instruction

Assigned difficulty level: Easy

Step 1.

The title is: "Introductory part or introduction"

In order to perfectly cope with this item, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the problem. Let me remind you that the main problem that is raised in the text is the problem. You can start your work, for example, with a question, or with a brief biographical reference about the life of a writer or poet of this work. Try to analyze how much of the biography of this person could influence the idea of writing a masterpiece later in the field of literature. Draw conclusions.

Step 2.

This section I would call the main part.

It would be good to comment on the problem, indicate the position of the author and only then express his point of view. Do you think this is difficult? Not at all. And if we have already begun to look for a detailed answer to the question of how to write an essay-reasoning, I propose on this part to dwell in more detail.

So, what does the comment mean? In order to cope with this point, you will need to answer some simple questions.

  1. How and on the basis of what material is the problem disclosed? - I recommend, briefly retell the text. Just do not go into details! Speak purely on the topic!
  2. Does the author focus on some particular aspect? - Well, of course, it sharpens! Otherwise, why would he ever write this work?
  3. What are the main points in the text?

The author's position is also no less important. And here is a list of questions.

  1. What exactly did the author want to convey to us?
  2. With a positive or a negative side, he assesses this or that situation?
  3. And what about the actions of the heroes? Welcomes or condemns? Why?

How to write an essay-reasoning without expressing your own point of view? The obvious answer: no way!

What to state in this paragraph?

  1. Put forward a thesis. The latter is understood as your own judgment, which you will need to argue later.
  2. Here, just and your reasoned opinions and points of view are expected. In general, of course, you can build this part based on your own experience, the facts of the biography, but do not forget that the question still was how to write an essay-reasoning on Russian literature, so it's better to do this by example Works of art.
  3. Conclusion. - It is proposed to sum up the above.

Step 3

And, finally, we came to the final part.

Conclusion. With this, I think, it's easy to cope, given that you've done enough, following the two previous steps. The only thing I wanted to draw your attention to is that the conclusion, as a rule, is written in one key with the introduction.

Step 4

Carefully re-read the written. Avoid too frequent repetition of words, if possible, check for all the necessary punctuation marks. And do not criticize the author either sharply, or the text itself. Make sure that the composition is not too emotional.

The required minimum text size is at least 150 words.

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