Computers, File Types
Errors crash service.exe - what is it?
Crash service - one of the EXE files, located in the registry and related to the Third-Party App. It is meant for normal operation of the OS, but it can present a lot of troubles, after which there is a desire to remove it permanently.
Causes of malfunctions
Many people start to wonder, crash service exe - what it is, when the system gives certain failures. They can be triggered by malicious software, as well as viruses that negatively impact the file. So there are unwanted programs that can purposely remove part of the EXE-shnika. There are utilities that do not determine what it is - crash service.exe, which causes a conflict. Perhaps you just did not fully install the Third-Party App.
How to fix the problem
Now you have an idea of what this process is - crash service.exe. If you have a similar error, you will have to figure out what it is. Perhaps the programs that work with this file can not find it because of the wrong path. If the registry was corrupted, then most likely the file is already in a completely different folder. And also, it could damage the viruses, which prevents the EXE-shnik from running. Trying to fix the registry yourself is highly discouraged, as this can lead to unstable your PC.
The best way is to download CCleaner. This program, developed at Microsoft, knows exactly what it is - crash service.exe, and how it should be in its original form. It will automatically scan your system and will be able to determine all the registry damage. Be sure to make a backup that can restore the software in the event of an emergency. And also do not forget that you need to check the computer for viruses that can detect the staffing and installed antivirus.
Knowing what it is - crash service.exe, and having CCleaner installed, you can easily fix the bug, which often appears even for experienced users.
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