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How to wipe newborns eyes, and how to do it correctly?

Many mothers after the appearance of the baby think about how to wipe the newborn eye. Vision is an extremely important sense organ in a person. And it has been pawned since birth. Problems with the eyes not only cause discomfort to the baby, but in the future will bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with several simple rules of eye hygiene in children. And with certain periodicity to conduct those or other procedures. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And you can without any problems to properly care for the eyes of the newborn.

Is it necessary

The first question that young moms are interested in is whether you need to rub your child's eyes at all. Perhaps, you can do without this procedure? After all, babies and so every day to bathe, follow the hygiene and the atmosphere in the house!

In fact, the process of rubbing the eyes is considered mandatory. Not that you can not do without it, but it significantly reduces the likelihood of problems. For example, fainting. Therefore, you should think about how to wipe newborns eyes. Additional security will not hurt. Moreover, no special knowledge of the procedure will not require the newly-made parents.

First time

Situations can be different. And for each case there is a version of the development of events. To begin with, you should consider the most simple situation - this is the usual care for the eyes of the baby.

Initially, it is required to perform a small procedure in the first days of a child's life. The thing is that after the maternity hospital it will take about a month (minimum) to conduct a separate hygiene of the newborn's eyes in order to prevent it. No special substances will be required for this.

Than to wipe newborns eyes? Modern doctors recommend doing this with boiled water. In no case is it flowing. You can replace it with drinking water, but this is also not the best option. The basic hygiene at first requires daily wiping the eyes of the baby with boiled water.


The next question, which should be learned without fail, is the technique of the procedure. It is suitable for any occasion. Not all parents know how to properly wipe the eyes of newborn children. In fact, everything is very simple.

When carrying out procedures, it is required to use a well-twisted wadded disk or tampon. So that he did not stick out villi. In the eyes, they can cause serious harm.

The cotton disc is wetted with a solution (for example, boiled water), then it is pressed slightly. So that the cotton wool is not too wet, it should be wet. Further, the eyes of the baby are rubbed. Which direction? It is required to carry out movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. You can say from the cheek to the spout. And further, if some particles were not left on the cotton wool, with downward movements, pus or pile of dust closer to the nozzle. And after that, remove them with a moistened cotton swab.

From dirt and dust

There is such a thing as "sleep" or "rest of sleep". When a person is asleep, small clumps of dirt and dust accumulate in his eyes. They are usually called the "remnant of sleep." Something like these puffs resemble pus. But actually it is not. Collect these eyes in the eyes during the day, not necessarily at night. And they appear in both adults and children.

How to wipe the newborn eye, if there were found out these "remnants of sleep"? It is recommended or use boiled water to remove lumps, or even do it with a dry cotton wool / stick / tampon. The technique of movements remains the same.

To panic it is not necessary - from "the rests of a dream" nobody is insured, it is quite normal phenomenon. Therefore, no special means should not rub the eyes of the baby.


Parents often ask a huge number of questions about the hygiene of newborns. Understand this topic easily, if you listen to doctors. Many are interested in whether it is possible to wipe the eyes of a newborn brew. This technique is recommended by experienced mothers. Especially if problems with the eyes began.

In fact, tea leaves do not do any harm to the baby. And it can be used to care for the eyes of the newborn. We recommend only weak welding, not strong.

Use this technique every day should not be. Doctors who also suggest using tea brew for hygiene of the baby's eyes, advise this method when there are problems with vision. Or for the prevention.

There are several treatment options - or the parents squeeze the tea bag well and they blink the eyes of the baby (not recommended), or a weak tea is cooked in which a tampon is wetted and applied according to the already known principle.

Chamomile to help

How can I clean the eyes of a newborn? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. In general, if there are no problems with the eyes, you can either do not rub them at all (from 1-2 months, how the first tears will appear), or dispense with ordinary boiled water.

But if it is a question of festering or any problems, then you will have to use special decoctions and tinctures. Instead of weak tea can be used to treat, for example, conjunctivitis, chamomile infusion. He very well kills microbes and helps quickly get rid of pus in the eyes.

If there is no chamomile, you can try using chamomile tea. The effectiveness of such a step is lower, but in critical situations it helps. So chamomile - this is what you can wipe your newborn eye.


What else can you wipe the eyes of the newborn? "Furacilin"! Or rather, its solution. This is the most suitable tool that helps to get rid of the eyes. It disinfects and disinfects the eyes well without irritating them. Perfect for both children and adults. Does not cause allergies, does not harm delicate baby eyes.

It is "Furacilin" that helps a lot from the problems that can arise in newborns. Use the solution of this drug should be exactly the same as boiled water. The procedure for eye treatment is recommended to be performed 2 times a day until complete recovery. As a preventive measure, "Furacilin" is not necessary to use, only if there are any problems with the eyes. For example, there were reddening without reason or fainting began.


What other tips can you hear? Doctors of the old quenching on questions about how to wipe the eyes of the newborn, if they fester, answer that you can use potassium permanganate. A light solution of this substance serves as a disinfectant. Therefore, you should pay attention to it.

Indeed, before they even bathed in the potassium permanganate of babies. But progress does not stand still. And some modern doctors point out that only the physicians should treat the eyes of the child in this way. They can dilute a fairly safe solution. And during the procedure, no harm will be caused. But the parents risk with the wrong dissolution of potassium permanganate to ensure the child burns. Therefore, it is possible to independently treat the eye with this substance, but it is not recommended. This is a rather outdated method.

In the hospital

And than to wipe newborns eyes before they came home from the hospital? Parents should not think about it. After all, doctors themselves do this procedure.

In maternity hospitals, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is still used . This has already been said. Parents in the period of being in this medical institution should not think about the question posed. Usually, all the recommendations for caring for the baby say at the time of discharge. And many people insistently do not recommend using manganese alone.


How can I clean the eyes of a newborn? Some advise to use breast milk. If the mother has it, then in order to prevent infectious diseases of the eye, you can put a little milk in the eyes of the child. Alternatively, you can use a cotton pad or a tampon moistened with a given liquid.

Perhaps, breastmilk is advised only by people without medical education. Doctors are unlikely to offer such an option. How to wipe the eyes of a newborn child? There are a lot of options. But it is not recommended to use breast milk. It is better to use "Furatsilinom". The effectiveness of this tool is proven. But in the case of milk, the situation is ambiguous. Therefore, to risk the health of the baby is not worth it.

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