Homeliness, Gardening
How to root the stem of a rose? How to plant roses with cuttings (photo)
Rose is the queen of all colors. Despite its centuries-old age, it is still able to hit our hearts with its unique aroma and refined look. It is the rose that is the flower of all women and the men who are madly in love with them. But the beauty of the given plant always wants to be preserved. But how can this be done? After all, the rose itself is very capricious. In this you will help the reproduction of the plant. How to root the stem of a rose correctly? This will be discussed in our article.
Species that can be propagated by cuttings
How to root the stem of a rose so that it takes root? First of all, it is necessary to find out which plant varieties are amenable to breeding in this way, and which are not categorically adapted to it.
Cuttings perfectly reproduce clinging, miniature and some varieties of tea-hybrid colors. Also, excellent roughening for you will be the roland roses.
In fact, many varieties of yellow species can not reproduce by propagation. It also does not work with a wrinkled park rose.
How to do it?
Cuttings of roses from the bouquet are hard to root. There is no absolute guarantee that the process will be successful. Only one in ten cuttings gives roots. And this is not so much. Therefore, to achieve a greater effect, immediately take a few cuttings, then the probability of success of the undertaking will increase significantly.
Let us now turn to the methods of rooting cuttings. There are several. The first way, which we will highlight in our article, is to choose a bouquet of cuttings with young vegetation, which must be lowered into the water. Then it must be put in any growth stimulant. Next, cuttings of roses from the bouquet should be rooted in the pot with the soil into which the stem sinks to the young shoots - they stay above it. Then the seedling is closed with a plastic bottle. Or, on the sides of the pot, two sticks are installed, onto which a polyethylene film is stretched. After this procedure, leave the plant alone, but do not forget to water it and give it a breathe. Wait four weeks until the seedling takes root.
The second way how to root the stem of a rose is that you need to divide the plant stems into 25 cm segments. Do it best with a secate or blade. Do this to avoid damage to the stem. The tops do not need to take - they are too thin. We place the cuttings in the ground, then cut off the bottom of the plastic bottles and cover them with our seedlings. Periodically, the design needs to be removed so that our future roses can breathe. In this method cuttings are planted in autumn.
An important rule
In any endeavor, it is very important to take into account all the nuances. So in our business. When selecting cuttings, always remember that you only need to pay attention to the stems on which there are at least two or three kidneys.
Little tricks
Growing a rose with your own hands is not an easy task and an amateur. And, unfortunately, the method of reproduction in the bank does not always work out. What should be done to ensure that everything is crowned with success? Are there any secrets in how to plant roses with cuttings? Still as is. And they are in front of you.
- Do not root a large number of cuttings in one container. They will not give the shoot.
- Do not use a transparent container.
- A stalk on which there are no leaves does not need daylight to take root. And vice versa. If there is at least one leaf on the stem, then the root stalk will not be allowed to go without light.
- It is better to take the young side branches of the rose.
- When evaporating water from the container with the handle, it is better to top it up than to completely change it.
- The older the rose, with which the stem is taken, the harder it will be to root.
- For the cuttings, the very lowest segments are best suited. The closer the part of the stem to the ground, the better and faster it will take root.
- There should not be a lot of water in the container. The more liquid - the less oxygen at the roots, which can lead to decay of plants.
Grow roses in potatoes
This method of plant reproduction is one of the most unusual and interesting methods of planting this flower. To do this, we need the young shoots of roses, which can be obtained during the flowering period, namely in the summer. Stems should not exceed the thickness of the pencil, because in the process they reproduce most rapidly. Then we cut the young plants into cuttings by a secateur. It is advisable to do this a bit at a slope. Do not forget that the cuttings should not exceed 25 centimeters in length. From the bottom, carefully remove all thorns and leaves, and then immerse the stem into potatoes. Next we need to choose a place for the trench and dig it. It should be open and sunny, but protected from the wind. The trench should be about fifteen centimeters deep.
The bottom is completely covered with sand so that there are no gaps. Cuttings cut into the ground at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from each other, and then fall asleep on the ground. After that, do not forget to carefully water. "Why immerse the cuttings in potatoes?" - you ask? Seedlings of roses placed in potatoes will not need water. She will be fully provided by the tubers. Also they will feed them already synthesized useful substances.
We propagate a house rose with cuttings
This is a truly beautiful plant, which is also unpretentious. Reproduction of the domestic rose by cuttings is often not a complicated process. The whole secret is to gently cut the stem and place it in a glass of standing water. The only thing that you will need to do before the appearance of the first roots is to change the contents in a glass. In order to increase the chances of success, you can add growth stimulants to the water. This option also helps you save time. When the roots have appeared, the stem must be transplanted into a pre-prepared small glass with a special ground for roses. The planted plant is covered with a transparent plastic glass, which will create a greenhouse effect. This will help to get accustomed to the seedling.
Reproduction of a home rose on a large scale
There is also a more complex way of rooting a rose stem - your pet. This method should be used in the spring. Indoor roses are cropped. These branches are divided into cuttings. At the same time, do not forget to follow that on each seedling there are two or three kidneys. All vegetation from the stems gently breaks off. The seedlings must be left for a few hours in order for the slices to heal a little. For our cuttings, you need to prepare a lot of small cups or a large box, as well as a special primer for a home rose. The seedlings are placed in a prepared place in a moist soil, and then covered with a transparent package so that it leaves some space above the cuttings. After about two to three weeks you will be able to observe new shoots. It is then possible to start airing them and slowly accustom them to room temperature. When the plants are fully strengthened, they can be transplanted to individual pots, while tracing the safety of the earthy coma.
Fertilizing young roses
When new shoots of young roses begin to reach 15 centimeters, they can already be fertilized. To avoid burns of roots, they need to be well spilled with water. For young seedlings, a weak solution of complex fertilizer, which is best alternated with a tincture of Mullein and mineral top dressing, perfectly fits.
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