HomelinessPest Control

How to remove cockroaches and what to use for this?

Cockroaches are unwanted companions of a man in his home. During his life, which is from two hundred and sixty-four to three hundred and seventy-three days, these uninvited guests crawl into the toilet bowls, yard toilets and garbage cans, where they can, in contact with waste, swallow various pathogens. Then, crawling on food, cockroaches leave on their surface up to thirty species of various microorganisms that cause acute gastrointestinal pathologies (dysentery, typhoid fever, diphtheria, etc.), as well as a dozen species of helminths and protozoa.

How to remove cockroaches, which are a threat to health and disrupt home comfort? There are a lot of methods to deal with these small tenants. However, getting rid of cockroaches is difficult, so every landlady must find the most effective way for herself.

How to remove cockroaches, if you do not want to fight them yourself? To do this, it is best to invite employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. A positive result will be provided. Having chosen this method, it will not be necessary to puzzle over how to get large black cockroaches, as well as bedbugs, ants and other small insect pests. However, it is worth remembering that these services are expensive, and annoying lodgers will eventually appear again.

How to remove cockroaches on your own? To do this, it is necessary to patience and buy modern tools in specialized stores to fight these insects. There are many options. These are gels, and aerosols, and crayons, and traps. What should I give preference to? You can rely on the experience of the seller, which will tell you how to display cockroaches, which is more effective for this use. There is also another option - to buy several funds at once and gain experience yourself.

Excellent gels have proved to be excellent. They are squeezed out onto the plinth from the syringe. It lasts for five months. In this regard, it is necessary to periodically repeat the procedure for the destruction of cockroaches. It should be remembered that an insufficient measure is the processing of only one room. Insects just hide in the next room.

How to remove large cockroaches effectively? It is necessary to agree on joint persecution of insects with neighbors.

To combat unwanted tenants, you can use popular methods that are time-tested. For this you need to purchase boric acid. It is safe for humans. At night, you can just sprinkle it near the skirting boards, and you can make balls from it, mixing it with the egg yolk. The cockroaches will forget the road to your apartment for a month.

Preventive measures to prevent the penetration of insects into the dwelling can be undertaken by plastering the cracks of adjacent walls with neighbors. After eating in the kitchen, you should monitor the cleanliness of the room. Crumbs are great food for cockroaches. Remember and that the process of reproduction of annoying insects contributes to high humidity. Limit cockroaches access to water. However, they can not survive, even despite the abundance of food.

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