Health, Medicine
How to reduce the increased sensitivity of teeth?
Needless to say, toothache is hell. It is clear that if the teeth are started before the carious stains turned into gaping holes, worse, the pulpitis developed and, so to say, the "expected" reaction came in the form of a piercing pain - there's nothing to say, is it to blame? And without emergency dentist can not do.
But when you seem to have healthy teeth, there is no tooth decay , and literally everything - whether it's eating hot or cold, or even just an elementary hygienic procedure, such as everyday brushing your teeth, causes discomfort and painful feelings, it's already talking about The fact that you, most likely, developed hyperesthesia or hypersensitivity of teeth.
What is the cause of hyperesthesia?
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Let's list some:
- Loss of the hard part of the tooth (enamel and dentin), most often in the neck of the tooth - the so-called wedge-shaped defect;
- Functional insufficiency of enamel;
- Periodontal disease;
- abnormal abrasion of tooth enamel along the cutting edge of teeth and chewing tubercles;
- bruxism or uncontrolled tightening of the teeth during sleep (they also say "teeth grinding"), which also leads to a pathological abrasion of the enamel;
- Some endocrine disorders;
- preparation of teeth for a crown or a procedure for removing tartar ;
- malnutrition, and much more.
What to do if the teeth react to all, how to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth?
Of course, if you regularly visit the dentist for preventive purposes, and on a regular visit you will complain about the increased sensitivity of the teeth - the treatment will necessarily be picked up with adequate, using special pastes and fluorolacs, and physiotherapy procedures will be prescribed.
If you are not a frequent guest at the dentist (and this is already a big minus), then first use at least a few simple tips:
While brushing your teeth, use a brush with a soft bristle to avoid hurting sensitive areas of the teeth.
Toothpaste, buy with the label "for sensitive teeth" (in particular, the Sensitive toothpaste has proved to be very good in this respect) and pay attention to the toothpaste composition - such elements as fluorine, phosphorus, calcium must be present there.
Do not choose in the period of exacerbation whitening pastes containing acids and abrasive substances.
Also, do not abuse pastes, which include such antiseptics as triclosan and chlorhexidine - they are not designed for long-term use and you can use them no more than 3 weeks in a row.
The very procedure for cleaning teeth should be gentle - careful movements up and down parallel to the axis of the tooth (this is with closed teeth), and from the inside (from the side of the tongue) do as if sweeping movements. On chewing surfaces also do cleaning effortlessly.
While finding out the reason for the increased sensitivity of the teeth, try to eat not too cold and not too hot dishes and drinks, minimize the sweet soda from the refrigerator, but do not use them at all.
It is recommended to choose products containing phosphorus and fluorine (nuts, fish, liver) more often, and always include milk, cottage cheese and cheese in your diet, as they are the ones that best compensate for calcium deficiency in the body.
If possible, limit or completely exclude acidic products that destroy enamel, and drink citrus juices only through a straw.
It is worth noting that in some cases the body begins to independently produce replacement dentin, and the pain can eventually go away by itself. But if you find a disease, one way or another associated with a more serious loss of hard tissues of the tooth, then there is nowhere to go - a visit to the dentist can not be avoided.
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