Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

How to pump the biceps

It is not for nothing that the biceps are called the business card of an athlete. Therefore, almost all bodybuilders are interested in how to pump the biceps. In general, strong and powerful biceps adorn a man better than scars. This is a personal opinion of the author of the article. I basically have scars, so I can compare.

In order to pump the biceps, it will take some time and, accordingly, patience. No wonder they say that a weak-willed bodybuilder for such "feats" is not capable. How to pump your biceps right at home? Need some trick.

Our biceps perform such functions as bending the shoulder and forearm in the joint, turning the brush outward. By the way, these functions can not be activated with the help of a barbell alone, it is not possible. The biceps on the horizontal bar swing, applying a pull-back grip. Hg can be narrow, medium or wide.

How to pump the biceps correctly - the criteria by which you are guided

  • Bicepses take an active part in almost the entire training of the athlete. Therefore, if they are poorly developed, then all the progress of the development of the bodybuilder suffers. Hence, our special attention is required precisely by the power, and not by the mass of the biceps.
  • Developing the biceps, you need to remember about the development of other muscle groups.

The best helpers when pumping biceps at home are tying dumbells.

How to pump your biceps at home - Exercises

Exercise One - Lifting dumbbells

  • Lower hands with dumbbells along the body. Compressed palms are deployed to the body.
  • Alternately bend and unbend arms in elbows, while lifting dumbbells to the shoulder.
  • This exercise is performed simultaneously with both hands.

Exercise two - Alternate lifting in the sitting position

  • It is necessary to sit on a chair.
  • In the lowered arms we hold dumbbells, the compressed palms are developed to a body.
  • Taking a breath, at the same time we unfold the brush from the dumbbells on ourselves and bend the arm at the elbow joint. Elbow while raising.
  • Extensible arm, exhaling and lowering the dumbbell in its original position.
  • Exercise repeat with the other hand.

Exercise Three - Inclined Rises

  • Sit on the floor (mat), with your back leaning on the sofa or on the inflatable ball.
  • Hands with dumbbells lie along the body, compressed palms are turned up. Head straight.
  • At the same time we inhale our hands. The elbows are still.
  • On exhalation we straighten our hands.

Exercise Four - Lifting a dumbbell in a chair with one hand

  • You have to kneel in front of a chair.
  • Lean your chest against a chair.
  • One hand with a dumbbell, the other with a chair.
  • Without tilting his head and without tearing his hand from the dumbbell from the chair, we bend on the inspiration and unbend it at the elbow joint in exhalation.
  • Do the same with the other hand.

Exercise Five - Lifting the biceps with a towel

  • Stand up straight.
  • The dumbbell is kept lowered, straight in front of you with a long towel.
  • At the inhalation, we bend our hands, trying to keep the elbows in a fixed position.
  • On exhalation we extend our arms.

How to pump the biceps, in principle, it is understandable. But, if it is already a question of male beauty, it is not superfluous to learn how to pump the upper pectoral muscles.

You can swing your chest with all the same dumbbells.

Exercise One

  • Take the same pose that in the third exercise - Sit on the floor (mat), leaning back on the sofa or on the inflatable ball.
  • Hands with dumbbells are spread in different directions, compressed palms are turned upwards. Head straight.
  • We take a breath. At the exhalation we simultaneously bend our hands, while bringing the dumbbells almost close to the chest.
  • On exhalation we raise hands with dumbbells.

Exercise two

  • Stand up straight. Hands with dumbbells lower down. Compressed palms are deployed to the body.
  • On inhalation dumbbells simultaneously rise to the level of the chest and are bred in different directions to the outstretched arms.
  • On exhalation, arms bend at the elbow, dumbbells are brought to the chest and fall down.

The number of repetitions for all exercises is determined for yourself. The main thing is that it should be the same. I do 15 repetitions.

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