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Museums in Ufa: a list of the most interesting places in the city

Ufa is a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Here are numerous museums, a visit which can interest any traveler who came here for the weekend. Let's consider the main places that are mandatory for visiting the city.

National Museum

The National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan was founded in 1864 and is one of the oldest in Russia. Currently, there are more than 130 cultural monuments of the region, fascinating exhibits that reveal the history of the region.

The museum is divided into 4 sections: history, nature, archeology and ethnography. In general, the exposition is located in 34 rooms.

The National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan can offer its visitors the following services:

  • Organization of group and individual excursion programs;
  • Conducting general education lessons in the halls where the expositions are located;
  • Organization of meetings, meetings and conferences;
  • Presentation of their own work.

Nesterov Museum in Ufa

The Art Museum was built in 1913 on the initiative of a local timber merchant and the famous merchant Laptev. It is named after the famous painter and native of the city, MV Nesterov. It is the authorship of the artist who owns more than a hundred works presented in the museum. In general, the modern collection of the institution has more than 4000 artifacts collected from all over the country.

Local History Museum

The Museum of Local Lore (Ufa) will be interesting to visit the guests of the city who wish to get acquainted with the archaeological finds and ethnographic heritage of Bashkortostan. Here visitors can expect exhibits that have come down to us since the Stone Age. These are, above all, objects of everyday life of the indigenous peoples of the region, instruments of labor, national clothes, jewelry, weapons of ancient people. In the middle of the main exhibition hall of the museum there is a real skeleton of the Khazar mammoth.

Museum of Fire Protection

Observing the museums of Ufa, one can not ignore such a fascinating place dedicated to the fire protection of the city. The visitors of the establishment are explained how to deal with fire-fighting equipment, what to do before the arrival of rescuers, how to evacuate people from buildings that were exposed to fire.

Of course, the main audience of the museum is the younger generation. Children, in the first place, will be interested in the exhibits presented. Particularly relevant information that can be obtained during the tour will be for very young children. After all, it is extremely important for small visitors to understand why one should not joke with matches, electrical appliances, gas stoves.

Other museums in Ufa are not able to tell so in detail about how the fire department developed in the territory of Bashkortostan. Here you can see unique exhibits of their kind, for example, fire equipment and equipment, which refers to different epochs.

X-Max Gallery

Visiting the museums of Ufa, it is worth to look into the gallery, the exposition of which gives a fresh look at the innovative trends in contemporary visual art, sculpture and architecture.

The idea of organizing a museum so original in its content belongs to the community of Ufa artists. It was embodied in 1992. Later the institution was purchased by a local artist and entrepreneur Maxim Kholodilin. Since that time the gallery has become known as X-Max.

Visiting the museums of Ufa, you should definitely walk through this gallery, where an exhibition of the best creations of local and visiting artists is organized on an area of about 100 m 2 . Traditionally, events are held here that involve familiarizing the population with innovative views on the development of related art forms. Also held in the gallery are literary evenings, concerts, theatrical performances, meetings with famous writers, journalists, public figures.


In this material, only those museums and art galleries of Ufa were examined that can arouse a keen interest among residents and visitors of the city. In fact, there are more than 20 objects that offer cognitive excursions to their visitors, aimed at acquaintance with the history, culture and way of life of the region. Most Ufa museums are located in the central part of the city. Therefore, if you want, you can easily bypass them within 24 hours.

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