
How to make a knight's costume with your own hands

Usually, on the eve of the New Year or another holiday, parents are looking for examples of unusual outfits of fairy-tale characters or other heroes for their children. Many people prefer to make everything themselves. It will be cheaper, and sometimes there is simply no time to go to the store, if the child has suddenly told that he needs an outfit for tomorrow to take part in the school play. The main thing is not to panic. Learn useful tips on how to make a knight's costume with your own hands from available materials quickly and without much experience, and get to work.

Methods of execution

It is necessary to immediately decide which way you will create an outfit. There are two options:

  1. Run everything from scratch.
  2. Make a kit based on the available clothes, adding it to the characteristic accessories.

Sewing a knight's costume with your own hands is the first method when you have enough time and already have experience in making clothes. The second method is recommended for beginner needlewomen or those who have no time to engage in creativity, and it is not possible to buy a ready order for some reason.

New Year's costume of a knight with his own hands

The outfit itself, or rather the image of the hero, will be created from such details:

  • A cloak, tunic or other piece of clothing that simulates armor or has the sign of a knightly order.
  • Helmet.
  • Shield.
  • Sword.

All the rest can be easily assembled from the clothes available to the child or (in the presence of time and experience) sewn from the appropriate materials. This applies to pants, turtlenecks and shoes (usually boots).

Materials and Tools

To make a knight's costume with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • Fabric of suitable color.
  • Cardboard for making the frame of a sword, shield and helmet.
  • Paper for pattern (for products of complex configuration).
  • Pencil, ruler, eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins and chalk for transferring the template to the fabric.
  • Threads with a needle.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Glue.
  • Decor (foil, metallized paper, ribbons, tape to decorate the sword, shield, helmet).

As you can see, it's possible to make a knight's New Year costume with your own hands by available means. The choice of materials and method of production should be based on what you already have available. You can, for example, carry out imitation of chain mail from mesh material. Consider the comfort of wearing the thing you are making. Some parts can be cut from a heater, the surface of which simulates a metal (foil) well, but it will be hard to wear it all. It will quickly become hot, especially in a place that is too warm.

How to make a sword and shield

To suit the knight costume for the carnival looked spectacular and more realistic, it is worth choosing not only the appropriate combination of clothing, but also additional attributes. The easiest way is to make a shield and sword from a thick or several layers of thin cardboard. Also suitable foam, plastic.

The work is performed as follows:

  1. Cut out the blank of the appropriate shape from thick cardboard. To make a template from several layers of thin cardboard, you must first glue the sheets together or make a paper stencil. All the details should be the same.
  2. Make the same blanks from foil or decorative metallized paper.
  3. Glue the elements.
  4. Decorate the sword handle with beautiful paper, cloth or other suitable material.
  5. Stick a sign of the knightly order on the surface of the shield, cut out on a stencil or painted independently . You can come up with your family coat of arms.
  6. On the back of the shield, attach an element for which it is convenient to hold the product, for example, glue a cardboard strip (a piece of thick fabric or any strap), fixing only along the narrow edges, leaving the middle free and sufficient to fit the child's hand there.

How to make a helmet

New Year's costume of a knight is unthinkable without a headdress. This thing is easy to make on the basis of an existing hat, pasting on the surface or sewing details of foil, paper, fabric, imitating metallic luster, or other material. The visor that will cover the child's face needs to be made as comfortable as possible so that the child can be seen all around and he breathes freely. It is best to cut out pieces of cardboard. By the way, the whole helmet can be made of this material. A fabric variant with or without a frame is also possible.

How to make the very costume of a knight fast and inexpensive

As already mentioned, it is easiest to make an outfit based on the child's existing things and a minimum of additional, but, naturally, necessary and irreplaceable details. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Decide on the look and colors of the costume. It is better to draw an approximate sketch or have a ready picture or photo before your eyes.
  2. Pick up trousers and a turtlenue of suitable colors and a cap for a helmet, if necessary.
  3. Buy or choose from available stocks a rectangular cloth flap for tunic or cape. In fact, the tunic is a double (double-sided) cloak.
  4. For the cape, cut the arc of the neck. For the tunic, fold the rectangle in half along the shoulder line and in the center of the fold line, cut out the semicircle. In the unfolded state there will be a circle.
  5. If the selected material does not crumble strongly, make the figured bottom with scissors manually, by pattern or any stencil.
  6. Sweep or sew all the slices.
  7. For a cape embroider ties from satin ribbons, braids or from the same fabric. In order for the tunic to sit well on the child, and not fly apart, connect the lower corners of the hanging rectangles, sewn them with a needle and thread.
  8. To the New Year's costume of the knight looked more impressive and natural, attach to the cape or either side (in front or back) of the tunic a piece of contrast material in the form of a sign of any order. Make a shield, sword and helmet according to the technology described above.

So, you learned how to make a knight's costume yourself quickly, at home, in fact from what everyone has. Even if you were informed about the upcoming performance or carnival show of your child just one day before the event, you can easily and quickly produce a beautiful outfit.

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