
What to feed indotok at home? Conditions for keeping indouters

Indots are very popular among domestic farmers. They are bred for low-fat juicy meat, rich in amino acids, proteins and other valuable elements. In today's article describes the main nuances of the content of these birds.

Description of Indotecks

These birds are very impressive in size. They have a wide chest, short legs with well-developed muscles and powerful wings. The length of an adult drake from head to tail can be 90 centimeters. Females are smaller - the length of their torso does not exceed 60 cm. The average weight of the Indochka ranges from 3 to 6 kilograms.

Regardless of the breed, in the area of the eyes of each bird there are characteristic growths of red color, giving them a certain resemblance to the turkeys. In older individuals, they begin to emit a strong specific odor. This explains the second name of these birds - musk ducks. The coloring of birds depends entirely on the breed. They can be white, brown, blue, spotted or black with a purple and green tint.

Eggs of Indotka are highly nutritious. Therefore, they are much more expensive than chickens. For a year, one bird can carry from 80 to 110 pieces. The weight of each egg is about 70 grams.

Features of the content

These are quite unpretentious birds, distinguished by strong health and good immunity. Therefore, breeding Indotka at home is a very profitable and promising occupation. They can be grown on an ordinary farmhouse farm without creating any specific conditions. Birds are rapidly gaining weight and by the age of two months they reach the slaughter weight. They differ in peace-loving disposition and quietly coexist in the same yard with chickens, ducks and other birds.

A characteristic feature of these birds is the absence of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, for breeding Indotka at home, a clean, warm and well-ventilated room is required. The bird house should be reliably protected from sudden temperature changes. On the floor it is desirable to scatter straw or sawdust. There you also need to install feeders, drinking bowls and nests. The latter should be decorated in the form of closed houses with holes. They are recommended to be placed at a height not exceeding ten centimeters from the floor level.

More than three indots are not allowed to sit on one square meter of the square. In the spring and summer they should have free access to the street. For feathers, feathers need a spacious fenced enclosure with a capacity filled with water. In order for musk ducks not to flee, it is recommended that they periodically cut their wings.

Excretion in an incubator

This is one of the most effective methods of breeding poultry. It can be divided into three main stages. During the first week of the eggs in the incubator, the temperature should be 38 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 60 percent.

From eighth to twenty-ninth day, these parameters should be slightly changed. The temperature is reduced to 37 degrees, and the humidity is reduced to 45 percent.

From the thirtieth to the thirty-fourth day, the microclimate in the incubator needs to be adjusted again slightly. During this period, the temperature remains the same, and the humidity is increased to 75%. On the thirty-fourth day of the eggs begin to hatch musk ducklings.

Feeding regime of chicks

On the first day of their lives, babies do not know how to eat and drink by themselves. This is where most inexperienced farmers come up with the question of how and how to feed Indotec at home. To teach the chick to eat, you need to gently sprinkle his back with a finely chopped boiled egg. As for drinking, everything is much simpler here. That the duckling has an instinct, it must be poked with a beak in a bowl with clear water.

The frequency of meals is determined by taking into account the age of the ducklings. Daily infants are recommended to feed five or six times a day. By the age of seven, the number of meals is reduced to four or five. A monthly chick from an Indochina should receive feed three times a day. And a little later the grown-up birds are transferred to a two-fold regime.

Ration of one- and two-day chicks

The first feeding should be started immediately after the hatching duckling has dried. The sooner this happens, the better. If the chick lacks a swallowing reflex, then it should first be drunk with a pipette, dropping a slightly weak solution of potassium permanganate into the beak.

Those who do not know what to feed indotuk at home, you need to remember that daily babies should be given a crushed boiled egg. Starting from the second day, you can gradually introduce new products. During this period the chicks should be offered low-fat cottage cheese, crushed oatmeal, barley and corn flour.

Three-day ducklings can be given finely chopped nettle, pre-scalded with boiling water. Beginning with the fourth day in their diet, they try to inject mixed fodder, curdled milk, whey, meat broths and fishmeal.

What to give to the young?

Finding out what to feed Indotka at home, it should be noted that any food intended for these birds, should be crumbly. This is due to the fact that sticky food caught in the beak can clog the nasal passage and provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

As for the daily ration of ten-day young, it should look something like this:

  • 30-40 grams of cereal bran;
  • 2-3 grams of meat waste;
  • 25-30 grams of boiled potatoes;
  • 1-2 g cake;
  • 2-3 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 20-25 g of nettle or fresh grass;
  • 2-3 grams of gravel or chalk;
  • 4-5 g of reverse;
  • About 1 gram of fodder yeast;
  • 10 grams of wheat and barley flour.

Beginning with the twenty-day age, the amount of these ingredients is doubled. The basis of the diet of musk ducklings should be made up of various mushrooms based on sour milk, whey, fish or meat broth.

Nutrition for three weeks old young

It is important to pay attention that from the age of twenty days the mode of feeding Indotests is much simplified. From this point on, 20% of potatoes should be present in the bird's diet. The grown up young growth can already be let out on pastures where it will eat fresh grass.

Forty-day birds are allowed to give grain. First, it is gradually added to the main food, and then poured into a separate bowl. In addition, in the diet of birds should be any seasonal vegetables, including carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini. They pre-rub on the grater, and only then offer the bird.


Having figured out what to feed Indotec at home, you need to say a few words about the various additives. To young growth and normal growth, in his diet must be present mineral substances. To fill the deficiency of calcium, birds are given chalk, eggshell or crushed shellfish.

As a mineral additive you can use charcoal, previously aged in the fresh air. It is grinded into flour, sieved and poured into feeders.

During molting, organic sulfur is introduced into the diet of musk ducks. This element is found in large quantities in legumes, cabbage and fish scales. To avoid deficiency of copper, iron and iodine, grains, greens and products of animal origin are added to the bird's food. To fill the lack of phosphorus musk ducks regularly offer meat-and-bone or fish meal.

To young animals do not get infected with a penis, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is added to its diet. From time to time, Indots should eat small granite chips. When ingested, it helps to improve digestive processes and increase digestibility of nutrients.

As for common salt containing sodium and chlorine, this substance significantly increases the appetite of the bird and contributes to the speedy recruitment of the mass. It should be given as a solution. It is important to monitor that there are no large particles left that can damage the mucous membrane.

Prohibited food

Despite the fact that musk ducks are rather unpretentious and are considered almost omnivorous, they should not be given certain products. In the diet of these domestic birds should not be fresh bread. This product contains a large amount of yeast, causing fermentation in the stomach. Its use badly affects the development of livestock and provokes diarrhea.

You can not give indotecks sour and moldy food. Such food will cause malaise and more serious health problems. It is forbidden to feed the feathered with insufficiently sour dairy products. Such food often provokes a digestive tract disorder.

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