Health, Medicine
How to get rid of sputum: effective methods and means
Sputum in the throat is an unpleasant phenomenon, which every person for sure has come across. Help to achieve recovery can not only medications, but also folk remedies. However, about everything in order. Let's figure out how to get rid of phlegm, which methods are most effective.
In the fight against sputum, decongestants have proven to be effective, the effect of which is aimed at narrowing the blood vessels. The form of their release can be different: tablets, various sprays and drops. Use decongestants should be maximum for 3 days, since otherwise the body can become dependent on these drugs.
How to quickly get rid of sputum caused by an infection of the respiratory tract? Cough expectorants come to the rescue . With the use of such medicines, sputum easily leaves your throat. Effective drugs from this series are "Guaifenesin" and "Bromgexin."
Steam inhalation
Steam is an excellent means of fighting sputum. It is necessary to boil water and dissolve in it 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil. Wait 3-5 minutes for the liquid to cool slightly (so as not to get burned), and, covering your head with a towel, perform deep breaths, while inhaling the vapors coming from the healing liquid. The procedure lasts an average of 10 minutes. Regularly conducting it helps to open air corridors, so that the output of phlegm will be greatly facilitated.
Horseradish juice
Horseradish is an indispensable remedy for sputum. But due to the high content of essential substances in it, it is not recommended to use the product in its pure form. How to get sputum with horseradish juice? It is necessary to grate the horseradish (150 g) on a grater, after which add freshly squeezed lemon juice (taken from 3 lemons) to the resulting mass. Take the mixture twice a day in quantities of ½ tsp.
Constant rinsing of the throat also promotes resorption of sputum. For this purpose you can use a decoction of chamomile. To make it, you need to take a dry chamomile (1 tsp) and pour it with boiling water (200 ml). Allow the broth to stand for a while, drain it and cool a little. The resulting product gargle.
How to get rid of phlegm in a proven way? To do this, use a rinse with soda solution for medicinal purposes. Prepare it very simple: you need to dilute in ½ liter of water 1 tsp. Soda. Gargle is required every hour for 2 days, after which the sputum should disappear. It is important not to swallow a soda solution by accident.
Purifying and antiseptic properties are inherent in sea salt. Her warm solution (for 200 ml of water 1 tbsp salt), you need to rinse, then grease the throat with lugol solution.
Consumption of liquid
If there is phlegm in the throat, how to get rid of it so that it does not disturb the person for a long time anymore? To do this, it is recommended to take vitamin C and drink an increased amount of liquid. So, it is useful to make teas from different herbs. A good effect can be achieved by alternating tea, prepared on the basis of raspberry or currant leaves, and taking broths with chamomile or calendula. Broths must be light, and it is recommended to take them with honey, and it is best for the night. To achieve a good result, you should try to use liquid dishes more often.
Other recipes
If sputum is in the throat, how to get rid of it, recommends folk medicine? Let's consider some effective means.
Wash the aloe leaf and crush it thoroughly. Add the honey (1 tsp) to the resulting gruel. The mixture should be used in two ways: early in the morning and at night. With this method of treatment, the patient will feel relief the next day.
Cope with thick phlegm will help plantain. Leaves of the plant must be crushed in a blender or, in the absence of this device, use a meat grinder for this purpose. Combine them with natural honey, and the ratio of components should be equal, and simmer on the oven for 4 hours. Take the drug should be before meals (at least 30 minutes) three times a day for 1 tsp.
Mix in equal quantities eucalyptus leaves, sage and chamomile flowers. Put in a thermos 2 tbsp. L. Mixture and pour boiling water (500 ml), then leave for a couple of hours to infuse. In the resulting broth, put warm honey (1 tsp) and a little citric acid. Use the composition for rinses that should be done three times a day.
"Heavy artillery" in the fight against this unpleasant state is rightly considered to be pine buds. How to get rid of sputum with their help? It is necessary to take pine buds (1 tsp) and pour them with boiling water (200 ml), then leave it for an hour to languish in a thermos bottle. Take the received infusion twice a day after meals in a volume equal to ½ cup.
Knowing how to get rid of phlegm, you can achieve full recovery in the shortest possible time. Designated ways and means will effectively help in this.
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