
Calcium oxalate. Crystals of calcium oxalate in urine

A healthy person always contains calcium oxalate crystals in the urine in a small amount. An increase in their number may be a sign of urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, the development of chronic renal failure. The only way that can prevent this condition is to follow a diet.

What is oxalate?

So called oxalic acid salts , represented by calcium or ammonium compounds, secreted by the kidneys. About five percent of them are formed from food. Calcium oxalate leaves the body through the kidneys with urine. With increased isolation, a condition called oxaluria appears.

What do the oxalates look like?

Oxalatite stones are solid, dark brown or black in color. They have thorn spines, which injure the tissues of the urinary tract and cause bleeding. Blood, staining the stone, gives it a dark color. In the absence of bleeding, oxalates are lighter. If other compounds join the calcium salts of the growing oxalate, then it can be seen on the cut that the structure of the stone is layered.

Dimensions of stones vary from a few millimeters (such stones are called sand or microliths) to four or more centimeters. Favorable conditions contribute to the fact that calcium oxalate can be converted into coral stone, which occupies the entire lumen of the kidney.

What causes oxaluria?

There are two types of oxaluria. Primary is a hereditary disease and is called oxalose. The cause of its occurrence is the disturbed metabolism of glycine and glyoxylic acid. The disease manifests itself as signs of urolithiasis. Poisoning with toxic substances that can not be excreted by the kidneys, whose function is impaired, provokes the development of renal failure and a severe condition of uremia.

Secondary oxaluria is a disease acquired. The reason for it may be an excess in the diet of foods in which the content of oxalic acid and vitamin C is increased. Do not over-saturate your diet with spinach, parsley, sorrel, citrus, beetroot, currant, dog rose, cocoa, chocolate, etc. Crystals of calcium oxalate in urine in an increased amount are the reason that the body does not absorb calcium, accumulating in the blood, and this can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

In some pathologies (pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory processes in the intestine, Crohn's disease), an increase in the number of oxalates may be observed. Oksalatnye stones appear with a deficiency of vitamin B6, as well as magnesium, which prevents their formation. The intake of certain medicines, such as ascorbic acid, ethylene glycol, calcium preparations, increases the amount of oxalate in the urine.


Manifestations of oxaluria are micro- and macrohematuria. In the first variant, blood appears in the urine, but you can see it only through a microscope. With macrohematuria, changes in the urine are visible to the naked eye, it becomes similar to meat slops. This is due to the fact that crystals of calcium oxalate injure the walls of the urinary tract.

The disease can begin in childhood, showing itself periodic pains in the abdomen, a decrease in the daily volume of urine, a saturated color of urine. Not always with the disease, there are any symptoms. Calcium oxalate is detected by chance, urine analysis, X-ray examination, or when there are symptoms of renal colic in the form of severe back pain on one side. Painful sensations arise when the stone moves along the ureter. A long-term disease leads to an increased deposition of salts in the tissues of the kidneys, chronic renal failure may develop.

What does the urine test show?

As mentioned above, the disease is detected by accident. When carrying out a general urine test , calcium oxalate is found in it. In addition, with oxaluria, erythrocytes and leukocytes can be found in the analysis.

Calcium oxalate in urine in a woman should be in the range from 228-626 μmol / day, for a man - 228-683 μmol / day. You may need an additional study with X-ray of the kidneys, urography, ultrasound of the kidneys.

How to take urine for oxalates?

Before you pass the test, you can not eat beets, carrots, or foods that affect the color of urine. An obligatory condition is the purity of the external genitalia before collection. Women in the critical days can not take the analysis.

The first morning urination is not taken into account, note only his time. Throughout the day, urine is collected in one container. The next day in the morning, the final collection of urine takes place. After that, measure the total amount of excretions per day, pour into a separate dish about 200 milliliters and take it to the laboratory. On the container it is necessary to stick a label and specify the daily amount of urine.

How to treat?

If calcium oxalate in urine is found, the doctor prescribes a diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet meat, fish, mushroom broths, spicy seasonings, smoked products, salted products, conservation. In addition, you need to limit the use of products such as sorrel, spinach, beetroot, citrus, strawberry, nuts, beans, chocolate. You can not abuse tea and coffee.

In the process of treatment, the body needs additional alkalization, which is facilitated by the inclusion of dried apricots and dried prunes in the diet. In addition, it is necessary to take preparations of magnesium, vitamin B6. To prevent the crystallization of oxalates in the urine, you need a generous drink. Solubilization of salts is promoted by infusions and broths of sporrows, dill, strawberry leaf, horsetail, etc.

From folk methods of treatment it is useful to use carrot juice on a tablespoon three times a day for several months. No less effective is the juice of mountain ash (3 tablespoons three times a day for half an hour before meals) during the month. Helps in the treatment of parsley juice mixed with honey (2 tablespoons three times a day before meals).

Regular physical activity is useful. Running, walking, jumping contribute to the removal of small stones, sand.

Depending on what the urine test shows, you may need to take medication with potassium citrate or sodium citrate, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs. When joining the infection, you need to take antibiotics and sulfonamides (preparations "Ceftriaxone", "Biseptol", "Sulfadimetoksin"). In order to relieve spasm and facilitate the passage of oxalate urinary tract, it is necessary to take spasmolytic drugs ("Baralgin", "No-shpa", "Platifillin", "Papaverin"). Severe cases with symptoms of renal colic are treated with surgery.


To prevent the increase of the oxalate content in the urine will help a balanced diet. The diet should be enriched with products that contain magnesium. Useful is the use of oatmeal, buckwheat, millet porridge, dried fruits, bread from wholemeal flour. Excretion of oxalic acid is facilitated by the use of grapes, quinces, pears, which are useful both fresh and in the form of a decoction.

If certain symptoms are detected, timely treatment is necessary, since such a condition can lead to severe consequences in the form of urolithiasis and other pathologies. Taking care of your own health will save you from unpleasant consequences.

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