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How to draw a drawing for the Day of Astronautics? Variants of drawings and hand-made articles

The first man's journey into space lasted only 108 minutes, but they, you can say, "turned the world". Since then, since April 1962 (more precisely - the twelfth), and celebrate Cosmonautics Day, which became since 1969 World.

As always, a bit of history

Who among us in our deep childhood did not want to become an astronaut? And with whom to take an example? Of course, with Yuri Gagarin, whose name was sounded in 1961 in many languages of the planet Earth. Because the cherished dreams of all mankind have come true for many centuries - to find out what is there, beyond our world, in space! And then, in 1961, all people rejoiced and were proud of the achievements of Soviet scientists in this field. The pioneering hero receives high government awards, and a few months later the second cosmonaut German Titov commits a daily flight around our planet!

Today we know much more about the cosmos. Man not only conquers distant orbits, but also learns to live there. And how many launched robot satellites, which constantly fly over us, doing a variety of research!

What to choose, doing creativity with the child, on the Day of Astronautics? Drawing, probably, first of all. So, let's get started!

How to draw a drawing for the Day of Astronautics?

Children's works on the space theme are always relevant. Here it is supposed to use various techniques that attract a child to creativity. But the most basic among all, of course, is a pencil! Because it all starts with her. Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to draw a drawing for the Cosmonautics Day in pencil.

  1. We are determined with the theme of our work. We will portray an astronaut in a spacesuit and a rocket.
  2. We begin with a sketch. Remember that both the rocket and the cosmonaut "consist" of geometric figures.
  3. Rocket: rectangle - body, top end - triangle, portholes - circles, legs - triangles.
  4. Astronaut: head - circle, body - rectangle, arms and legs - elongated rectangles. Do not pay attention that we have a kind of "cubism", it's just so much easier to draw, especially with the child!
  5. The sketch is ready. We paint the details: the rocket portholes, the spacesuit belts and so on. Here is the free flight of your creativity. But still it is necessary to look at the image of the cosmonaut and the rocket in the photo at least once, so that the "alien" instead of the space explorer does not turn out (although if it does, it's not a problem, the main thing for the child is the creative process).
  6. Finally, you can color our work with bright pencils or felt-tip pens. As a background, we will depict the starry sky.
  7. Done! Now you know how to draw a drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics with a pencil! But that is not all.

Other techniques

Having learned, first of all, how to draw a drawing for the Day of Astronautics with a pencil, you can try other mixed techniques, for example "graft" (from the French gratter - scratching, scraping). It is available even for preschool children. Begin!

  1. We take paper dense, it is better - a cardboard format A3. We color the whole plane with colored crayons (wax ones - better) in the freest style, but with a thick layer. All paper must be traced. Attract more active your baby at this stage of work.
  2. Mix the dishwashing liquid (1 part) and black gouache (3 parts). Cover it with an even layer on top of the crayons, paint over everything!
  3. It turned out a black sheet. Let's dry the paint. This process can be accelerated with an ordinary hair dryer! And what a fun child!
  4. Take a sharp enough object (toothpick, spoke, but better - a special wooden stick) and scratch our drawing on a black background. Yes, even if the same astronaut and rocket! As a result, we get a very original work in the technique of "grafting".

More options?

And you can also celebrate this holiday with children in the style of "Do it yourself." The theme of the craft is "Cosmonautics Day". This is a flying saucer made of ordinary disposable, and rockets from plastic bottles, and much, much more.

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