Food and drink, Recipes
How to cook chickpeas? How much to cook chickpeas? How to cook chickpeas in a multivariate
How to cook chickpeas in a multivark and on a gas stove? It is these issues that we will devote to today's article. But before you answer them, I want to talk more about what the product is and what useful substances it contains.
General information
How much to cook chickpeas? It's not for nothing that this question interests the housewives. In fact such product, as well as usual peas, prepares for a long time. And to achieve its full digestion, you should spend a lot of free time. But more on that later.
As you know, chickpea is a Turkish product, which is very popular in the Middle East. It is rich in fiber, vegetable protein, unsaturated fats, lysine, vitamin B1, B6 and folic acid. Due to such constituents, chickpea contributes to the formation of muscles, has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and skin, lowers cholesterol, the risk of cancer, slows the absorption of carbohydrates, accelerates fat burning, has antidepressant properties, improves memory, metabolism. Despite the fact that this product is useful for the human body, in our country it is used only by a small number of people. In part, this is due to the fact that not everyone knows how much and how to cook the chickpeas correctly. To correct this situation, we will not only describe in detail the process of its preparation, but also tell you which dishes can be made from such an ingredient.
How to cook chickpeas on the stove?
If you decide to make a lunch using turkish peas, then you will need a large amount of time for its pretreatment. After all, before direct boiling, chickpeas should be soaked. However, leaving it all night in the water is extremely undesirable. But first things first.
To soak such a product, and in the future and boil it, we will need:
- Chickpea - full faceted glass;
- Water boiled - 1 liter;
- Water usual filtered - 3 glasses;
- Salt is a large cookery - add to the finished product to taste.
Preparation of peas
Before cooking chickpeas, it should be put in a colander, and then carefully washed, strongly changing hands. After that, peas should be put in a large bowl and pour 3 glasses of ordinary potable water at room temperature. In this condition, the product should be soaked for no more than four hours. It should be specially noted that if you leave chickpeas in water for the whole night, then its heat treatment time can increase by 2 or even 3 times.
The process of boiling
How much to cook chickpeas? With a 4-hour soaking, the Turkish peas should be cooked over a slow fire for about 1 hour. During this time, the product should become soft, but not boil thoroughly. If you need to get porridge from this ingredient, then keep it on the stove should be 2.5-3 hours. By the way, the chickpea should be salted only after the heat treatment is completed or 20 minutes before the fire is switched off.
How much and how to cook chickpeas in a multivariate?
Why do they soak the product?
Now you know how to cook chickpeas in the multivarquet and on the stove. But this raises a new question about why to pre-soak the product in water? The fact is that, like ordinary peas or beans, chickpeas can absorb a large amount of liquid, which makes it softer, accordingly, it takes less time for heat treatment. Then how much to cook chickpeas without soaking? This question can be answered unequivocally only after you decide which dish you want to get. If you need turkey peas to make soup, then cook it on low heat preferably about two hours. If you want to make a tasty and healthy porridge, then for complete digestion of the ingredient, you need at least 3.5 hours. As you can see, chickpeas without preliminary soaking are prepared for a long time. In this regard, it is still recommended to withstand in drinking water. Moreover, this is how you keep in it the maximum of useful substances and elements.
What dishes can you make from chickpeas?
About how to cook peas , we told a little higher. In the same section, I want to talk about what can be cooked using this product. It should be specially noted that today there is an incredibly large number of recipes with the use of Turkish peas. The first and second courses, side dishes and even salads are made from it. Let's consider several recipes in more detail.
Useful and nutritious porridge
How much to cook chickpeas for porridge? We have already told you about this. After the Turkish peas are soaked in water and completely boil and begin to "puff", it should be put a piece of fresh butter, and then carefully mix, close the lid tightly and wrapped in a warm blanket, soak in this state for about half an hour. Next porridge from chickpeas needs to be distributed on portions plates and served to the table along with a cutlet, sausage or goulash. This dish turns out to be very nutritious and nutritious, in this connection it is recommended to present only for dinner.
Cooking a delicious soup
Before you begin to prepare the first dish, you must soak the chickpea in the water beforehand, and then boil it for an hour, as described above. Next, prepare the meat broth (beef, pork, chicken) and put in it chopped potatoes, carrots and onions. After all the vegetables are soft, you need to add the required amount of boiled chickpea to the same dishes. In such a composition, the ingredients should be brought to a boil, and then boil for 4-7 minutes and remove from the plate. Such soup is especially tasty with sour cream or mayonnaise.
Make a delicious second course with chickpeas
Turkish peas are ideal for second courses. However, before that chickpea it is desirable to soak and boil in salt water according to the above-described recipe. Then you need to take a young beef, chop it into small pieces and put it in a sauté pan along with carrots, onions and vegetable oil. In such a composition, the ingredients should be cooked for 50 minutes. After that, they must be flavored with aromatic spices, salt and tomato paste, and put the boiled chickpeas. After mixing all the components, they must be covered with a lid and stew for about a quarter of an hour. In the end, the dish should be added chopped chives and serve to the table.
Secrets of cooking turkey peas
- It is recommended to salt it only before turning off the cooker, otherwise it will turn out to be tough.
- In order to present the product well boiled, when soaking it, it is desirable to add a small pinch of soda bicarbonate.
- In order to easily remove the hard components from chickpeas, which are poorly digested, it should be boiled for half an hour, and then discarded in a colander, well wiped with hands, remove all the separated film, refill with water and continue cooking.
- Soak turkey peas are recommended only in water at room temperature.
- Store such a raw product preferably in a closed glass jar with untreated garlic cloves.
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